2 for 1 Discount: A Mall Trade (GGP vs RWX)

On the other hand, the RWX is an International Real Estate ETF.  The index is designed to measure the performance of publicly traded real estate securities in developed and emerging countries excluding the United States.

Of the 114 holdings in the ETF, 15% of the fund is invested in international regional malls. This is exactly the business that GGP is in, except domestically. While the location of these malls may seem important, statistically however, the market does not seem to care. One can infer this from the similar price action the two securities have had…as measured by the correlation coefficient.

In recent trade, the coefficient has backed off its near perfect levels. One may infer that managers have been dumping the ETF because of the 250%+ jump in volume from its average. These manages have been in the same yield search game that lead stocks like PG and CLX to all time highs. The RWX may be oversold because folks just like to play sectors now and not individual stocks…hence the spread displayed in the chart. The RWX may be oversold and GGP may still have room to fall…until the two cross paths again.



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