Biggest Bullish Activity 6.24.2013

Bull Market Stocks BondsPaper bought 3,700 LQD Aug 113 Calls for $0.65 (3.9 times usual volume) with stock at 111.15
Paper bought 2,340 WBMD Sep 30 Calls for $1.05 (10.7 times usual volume) with stock at $25.32
Paper bought 2,849 HALO Jul 7.5 Calls for $0.45 (3.9 times usual volume) with stock at $5.89
Paper bought 1,263 LNC Aug 36 Calls for $1.19 (2.8 times usual volume) with stock at $34.45
Paper bought 500 EUO Aug 19 Calls for $0.65 (2.7 times usual volume) with stock at $19.08