Halftime Report for 5.23.2012

Halftime Stocks Bonds ETFWell, there is good news and there is bad news.  The bad news for the stock market is getting derailed selling off the all important 1300 level in the S&P 500 Futures, the Euro, Gold, and Oil are all getting pounded.  The good news is stocks such as AAPL, FB, GOOG, GS, and NFLX all look strong compared to how much we have sold off.  DELL is getting slammed around down to $13.30 and even all their cash doesn’t seem like it can save them right now.  I was short the DELL June 15-16 Call Spread for $.45 and I took it off today for $.02.  That is good for over 20 times my money.  Earnings that I will be looking forward to after the closing bell is NTAP and P.  Follow me on twitter @keeneonmarket and email sales@keeneonthemarket.com for a FREE LIVE trial.