Morning Rage 6.1.2012

China’s Hang Seng also finished in the Red with Aluminum Corp of China their biggest loser down 4.76%
and Cathay Pacific Airways Shining up 4.17%.

China’s Official Purchasing Index fell to 50.4% a new low on the year showing slowing growth for the

European shares seem to be following the lead of Asian with the FTSEurofirst 300 currently down 1.5%
which hit its lowest level of 952.55 since December 20th earlier in trading.

The Futures markets is heading in a downward direction this morning with crude, natural gas, gold and
silver all down of which energy was hit hardest both dropping over 2%.

The Monster employment index came in this morning, showing the US a gleam of light, up 3% with 13 of
their 20 industries showing positive annual growth trends.

Contributer Chris Rygh is currently pursuing his MBA in Wisconsin and has a passion for the Market.
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