Trade of the Day (DG) 6.4.2012

Unprofitable:  I lose money on this trade if DG closes above $49.40 by June 15, 2012.  The most I can lose on this trade is the amount the Spread can be worth $1 minus the price I sold it for $.40 for a total of $.60.

Reason I Like This Trade:  I like this trade, because I can make money if DG rallies, is flat, or goes lower.  It tested to $49.50, but saw some selling pressure at those levels.  This is a good risk vs reward in my opinion for earnings.

UPDATE 6.5.2012  With the sell-off in DG this Spread went from $.40 to $.10.  I took off half of my position for a double and leaving the other half on for more potential profits.

UPDATE 6.7.2012  I took this trade off completely at $.05 and $.10, good for more than a quadruple.  Taking profits and moving to the next trade.