Why AAPL Will Rebound to 700? 12.5.12

The iPad, and the different variations of it, has proven to be yet another AAPL product that has created frenzy amongst consumers. Sameer Singh, an analyst from Finvista Advisors, has projected that AAPL will ship between 24 to 26 million iPads during this quarter.

The iPod lineup recently received a makeover from AAPL, which made the new devices available September 12th, 2012. The list of upgrades includes a new 4 inch Retina display for the iPod touch, a redesigned iPod Nano with Bluetooth technology, and voiceover capabilities for the shuffle. AAPL announced October 21st, that sales of the new and improved iPods had exceeded 3 million units.

Since reaching the September high, AAPL’s shares have lost nearly $130.00 in value. AAPL shares closed at $575.85 on Tuesday, December 4, 2012. This loss in share value is typical of AAPL. Once the initial buzz of a newly released product dies down, investors start to wonder if AAPL has anything else left in their pipeline. This is when the sustainability of AAPL’s stock starts to generate fear on Wall Street. The chart below displays AAPL’s stock history vs. different product release dates.

Despite the loss in share price, AAPL has always beaten the odds by unveiling new technology, thus setting the trend within the industry. Even with the dips in its share price, AAPL has continued to grow and set new benchmarks. During a conference call with analysts, AAPL’s CEO, Tim Cook, responded to their concerns stating, “We’ve seen, again and again throughout the years, that…these type of periods are where we distanced ourselves further from people that don’t innovate, and it increases the gap between us, and so that’s what we’re focused on.” Year after year AAPL has wowed consumers with new products, each more revolutionary than the last.  AAPL, using its impeccable marketing strategies, creates hype around its next product, driving AAPL’s share value higher. Through innovation and an established brand loyalty, AAPL will bounce back to the $700 level.

Chart provided by OVM Group LLC

Author: Tyler Sciortino

Current Student at Roosevelt University, Majoring in Finance.

Contact for questions or inquiries at tsciortino@mail.roosevelt.edu