Unusual Options Activity 5.6.2013

Chart Bloomberg Keene OptionsPaper bought 12,500 XLP Jun 38 Puts for $0.16 (2.1 times usual volume) with stock at $40.91

Paper bought 2,000 GRPN May 10th 6 Calls for $0.28 (2.1 times usual volume) with stock at $5.65

Paper bought 1,000 AFSI Sep 35 Calls for $1.75 (4.5 times usual volume) with stock at $33.12

Paper sold 13,094 BX Jan 25 Calls for $1.041 (2.3 times usual volume) with stock at $22.46
Paper sold 13,075 NSM May 40 Calls for $0.70 (5.9 times usual volume) with stock at $38.12