Trader Doubles Their Money Overnight in Hawaiian Holdings, Inc (HA)

Hawaiian Holdings, Inc (HA) is a company who maintains sole ownership of Hawaiian Airlines Inc. The company’s stock is currently trading around $13.60 in a 52 week range of $5.18-$13.80. The stock has had a great year so far with shares rallying over 41% year to date. Options action has been very bullish in HA throughout this year and yesterday a trader made a bet on the close that HA will continue higher through March expiration. Shortly before yesterdays close a trader bought 4,015 HA Mar 13 Calls for $0.45. HA was upgraded this morning at Deutsche Bank and the stock opened higher by over 4%. The calls the trader bought yesterday traded as high as a dollar so this trader doubled his money overnight on a 4% move in the stock. HA is selling off some after the close but this trade is still hugely profitable. This is a great example of how unusual options activity can telegraph moves in stocks.