Bullish Activity in LNG

Cheniere Energy (LNG) is an energy company engaged in the liquefied natural gas  related business. It operates through two segments, LNG Terminal Business, and LNG and Natural Gas Marketing Business. Today a trader bought 8300 LNG Jan 2015 65-80 Bull Call Spreads and sold the 45 Puts for $.40 credit. This trader will get LONG LNG at two different levels, $45 and $65. This is a bullish bet and the trader will make money as long as LNG stays above $44.60 by Jan 2015 expiration.

My Trade: Buying the Jan 2015 65 Calls for $4.55
Risk: $455 per 1 lot
Reward: Unlimited
Targets: 5, $5.00 and up every $.40

Greeks of this Trade:
Delta: Long
Gamma: Long
Theta: Short
Vega: Long