Associate Option Battle 10.2.2012

Associate Jim

Trade: Buying 40 FDO Oct 60- 57.5 Put Spread for $0.25

Risk: $25 per 1 lot

Reward: $225 per 1 lot

Breakeven: $59.75

Notes: The stock has sold off hard twice in the past four quarters both after beating estimates. The stock has been rallying but I think it will test lower after earnings.

Associate Alex

Trade: Buying 4FDO strangle swap by buying the Nov 62.50 Put – 67.50 Call strangle and selling the Oct 62.50 Put – 67.50 Call strangle for a net debit of $2.45

Risk: $245 per 1 lot

Reward: Unlimited

Notes: I expect the stock to stay within the strangle till October expiration, making the strangle worthless, and then to continue the direction further into November.

Alex has a master’s in economics from Suffolk U.

Jim has B.S. in finance from University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana.