Associate Option Battle 9.27.2012

Associate Jim’s Trade

Trade: Selling 15 WAG Oct 37-38 Call Spread for $0.35

Risk: $65.00 per 1 lot

Reward: $35.00 per 1 lot

Breakeven: $37.35

Notes: The stock has sold off the last 3 times after earnings and I don’t think it will break its 52 week high of 36.85

Associate Alex’s Trade

Trade: Buying Weekly AAPL 685-695-700 broken wing Call fly for $1.15

Risk: $115 per 1 lot

Reward: $885 per 1 lot

Breakeven: $686.15

Notes: I like this trade because when Apple makes big moves, it generally follow the same trend for a day or two after as we saw with this dip. I only need Apple to move up a third of the price it moved today to break even and if Apple explodes upwards past the upper wing of the butterfly, I will still make money, though less than if it stops at the body.

Alex has a master’s degree in economics from Suffolk U.

Jim has a BS in Finance from UIUC.