Associate Option Battle 9.28.2012

Notes: Sold off 2 of the last 3 earnings reports and the stock is down from recent highs and I think it will test lower after the report on Oct 2nd.  I’ve also sold back half of my RIMM call spreads I bought two days ago for $0.30 (I payed $0.15).

Associate Alex’s Trade

First off, I hope nobody played the Apple pick yesterday because it got crushed.

My trade: Sell 13 lot ORCL Weekly (Oct12) 31.50 – 30.50 Put Spread for $0.28.

My reward: $28 per one lot

My risk: $72 per one lot

Why I like this trade: ORCL had a slight dip after it met analysts’ expectations but I think it should bounce back and I only need it to move $0.05 for the put spread to be out of the money.

Alex Kalish has a masters in economics from Suffolk U.

James Ramelli has a B.S. in Finance from UIUC.