DHI Reports Earnings Before the Open Tomorrow

D.R. Horton, Inc. (DHI) is a U.S. based homebuilder operating in 27 states and closing over 24,000 homes in the last fiscal year. DHI is currently trading around $23.50 (+1.51%) in a 52 week range of $17.67-$25.23. The stock has been underperforming the broader market this year with shares rallying 5.10% year to date. DHI is set to report earnings tomorrow before the opening bell.

DHI has rallied 5 of the past 8 quarters on earnings day with an average move of 8.7%. Market makers are currently implying a move of a round $2.20 (9.4%) by this Friday’s close. DHI is looking strong on the daily chart with shares now trading above the cloud and the future cloud sloping higher. With strong technical and historical earnings movement I am looking for a potential long in DHI.

Trade: Buying the DHI Nov 14th Weekly 24.5-25.5 Call Spreads for $0.25
Risk: $25 per 1 lot
Reward: $75 per 1 lot
Breakeven: $24.75

This trade sets up well at the measured move target and gives a trader a 3-1 reward to risk setup. My exit plan for this trade would be to sell half for a double tomorrow and hold the balance until expiration.

GOGO To Report Earnings On Monday

Gogo Inc is a holding company. The Company operates through its two operating subsidiaries, Gogo LLC and Aircell Business Aviation Services LLC. The company provides in-flight connectivity and wireless in-cabin digital entertainment solutions. GOGO is currently trading around $16.84 in a 52 week range of $11.66 – 35.77. The company’s stock has been outperforming the NASDAQ this year with shares increasing 1.37% year to date, and shares have traded up 7.54% in the last 3 months.

Back in August, Gogo reported a 25% second quarter revenue increase to $99.5 million as service revenue increased 28% to $79.2 million and equipment revenue increased 17% to $20.4 million year-over-year. The company last released its earnings data on Monday, August 11th. The company reported ($0.22) EPS for the quarter, beating the analysts’ consensus estimate of ($0.23) by $0.01.The Street is projecting a per-share loss of 26 cents for the in-flight wireless provider.

Looking at the earnings history, GOGO has traded bullish 2 of the last 5 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 9.7% in the last 5 quarters as a result of earnings releases.  This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +- 12% move in the stock for the November monthly option chain. GOGO is currently trading inside the Ichimoku Cloud on the daily chart, and has been oscillating in neutral territory since mid-June.

TSLA Reports Earnings Today After Bell

Tesla Motors, Inc. (TSLA) designs, develops, manufactures and sells electric vehicles and advanced electric vehicle powertrain components.  TSLA is currently trading around $234.80 in a 52 week range of $116.10 – 291.42. The company’s stock has been outperforming the NASDAQ this year with shares increasing 56.03% year to date, however shares have traded down 1.58% in the last 3 months.

Tesla is scheduled to announce Q3 2014 earnings report after market on Wednesday, November 5th.  Analysts’ expect that Tesla will report -$0.01 EPS on a Non-GAAP basis with $889.3 million in total revenue. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.12 EPS and $602.6 million in total revenue, considerably coming out ahead of analysts’ expectations. Stifel Nicolaus published a bullish report, upgrading shares to Buy with a $400 price target. The analysts stated that they find it reasonable to see the company achieving a run rate of 1,000 units per week by the end of 2014. Analysts at Goldman Sachs separately said that they believe Tesla will need another $6 billion in capital through 2025.

Looking at the company’s earnings history, TSLA has traded bullish 5 of the last 8 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 11.9% in the last 8 quarters as a result of earnings releases.  This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +- 9.6% move in the stock for the November 7 option chain. TSLA is currently trading under the Ichimoku Cloud on the daily chart, and has been trading in neutral territory since late March.

ATVI Reports Earnings After the Bell

Activision, Inc. (Activision Blizzard) is a worldwide publisher of online, personal computer (PC), console, handheld, and mobile interactive entertainment products. ATVI is currently trading around $20 in a 52 week range of $16.06 – 24.18. The company’s stock has been outperforming the NASDAQ this year with shares increasing 4.29% year to date, however shares have traded down 11.57% in the last 3 months.

ATVI will report earnings today, Tuesday, November 4th after the closing bell. According to Zacks Investment Research, based on 3 analysts’ forecasts, the consensus EPS forecast for the quarter is $0.09. The reported EPS for the same quarter last year was $0.07.

Looking at the company’s earnings history, ATVI has traded bullish 5 of the last 8 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 5.8% in the last 8 quarters as a result of earnings releases.  This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +- 8% move in the stock for the November 7 option chain. ATVI is currently trading under the Ichimoku Cloud on the daily chart, and has been trading in bearish territory since mid-September.

PCLN To Report Earnings Tomorrow Morning

Priceline Group Inc (PCLN), is an online travel company that offers its customers hotel room reservations at over 295,000 hotels worldwide through the Booking.com, priceline.com and Agoda brands. PCLN is currently trading around $1225.45 in a 52 week range of $1017.28-1378.96 . The company’s stock has been outperforming the NASDAQ this year with shares increasing 7.58% year to date, however shares have traded down 1.68% in the last 3 months.

Third-quarter financial results for PCLN will be available at approximately 7:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday, November 4th. Five investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating, seventeen have assigned a buy rating and two have assigned a strong buy rating to the company. The average twelve-month target price among brokerages that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year is $1,426.44. Company guidance is in a range of $19.60 to $21.10. The current Street estimate is $21.14.

Looking at the company’s earnings history, PCLN has traded bullish 7 of the last 8 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 3.8% in the last 8 quarters as a result of earnings releases.  This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +- 4.7% move in the stock for the November 7 option chain. PCLN is currently trading under the Ichimoku Cloud on the daily chart, oscillating in and out of the cloud for a few most of the current year.

Loews To Report Earnings On Monday

Loews Corporation (L) is a holding company. The company’s subsidiaries are engaged in commercial property and casualty insurance, operation of offshore oil and gas drilling rigs, exploration, production and marketing of natural gas and oil (including condensate and natural gas liquids), interstate transportation and storage of natural gas and operation of hotels. L is currently trading around $43.41 in a 52 week range of $39.38 – 49.05. The company’s stock has been underperforming the NASDAQ this year with shares decreasing 10.02% year to date, however shares have traded up 3% in the last 3 months.

Loews is set to issue its Q3 earnings data on Monday, November 3rd. Analysts expect the company to announce earnings of $0.68 per share for the quarter. Analysts at Deutsche Bank reiterated a “hold” rating on shares of Loews in a research note on Wednesday, October 15th. They now have a $50.00 price target on the stock. On a related note, analysts at Zack’s upgraded shares of Loews from an “underperform” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note on Thursday, September 4th. They now have a $46.00 price target on the stock.

Looking at the company’s earnings history, L has traded neutral 3 of the last 8 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 1.5% in the last 8 quarters as a result of earnings releases. This neutral activity might indicate that L will not fluctuate much in price, yet since shares have traded lower this year, there might be some selling pressure after the company reports earnings. This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +-  5.8% move in the stock for the November monthly option chain, which is over 3 weeks away. L is currently trading neutral in the Ichimoku Cloud on the daily chart, oscillating in and out of the cloud for a few months.

LNKD Reports Earnings Today After the Bell

LinkedIn Corporation (LinkedIn), is a professional network on the Internet with approximately 277 million members in over 200 countries and territories. LNKD is currently trading around $196.48 in a 52 week range of $136.02 – 242.70. The company’s stock has been underperforming the NASDAQ this year with shares decreasing 9.35% year to date. Shares have traded up 4.93% in the last 3 months.

LinkedIn is scheduled to be posting its Q314 quarterly earnings results at 5PM EDT on Thursday, October 30th. Analysts expect LinkedIn Corp to post earnings of $0.47 per share and company guidance is a range of $543 million to $547 million. Analysts expect an increase of 41.9% year-over-year to $557.49 million. Revenue guidance is currently a range of $2.14 billion to $2.15 billion. Analysts expect 3it to increase to $2.18 billion.

Looking at the company’s earnings history, LNKD has rallied 3 of the last 8 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 10.1% in the last 8 quarters as a result of earnings releases. This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +-  8.8% move in the stock for the October 31 option chain. LNKD is currently trading neutral in the Ichimoku Cloud on the daily chart.

CRUS to Report Earnings After the Bell

Cirrus Logic, Inc. (Cirrus Logic) develops analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits (IC) for a broad range of consumer and industrial markets. Building on its diverse analog mixed-signal patent portfolio, Cirrus Logic delivers optimized products for consumer and professional audio, automotive entertainment, and targeted industrial applications, including energy control, energy measurement, light emitting diode (LED) lighting and energy exploration. CRUS is currently trading around $21.80 in a 52 week range of $24.50 – 35.50. The company’s stock has been underperforming the NASDAQ this year with shares decreasing 6.44% year to date. Shares have traded up .88% in the last month.

Cirrus will announce earnings today after the market closes. Analyst consensus estimates for Cirrus’ current quarter call for $187.52 million in revenue and about $0.54 in earnings per share. Cirrus Logic generates a significant portion (approximately 80%) of its revenues from Apple. There is a good chance that the company will benefit from higher adoption of Apple’s products, especially from strong iPhone sales.

Looking at the company’s earnings history, CRUS has rallied 3 of the last 8 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 8.8% in the last 8 quarters as a result of earnings releases. This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +-  8.5% move in the stock for the October 31 option chain. CRUS has been trading below the Ichimoku Cloud since the beginning of September.

MAR To Release Earnings Tomorrow After the Close

Marriott International, Inc. is a diversified hospitality company. It is a lodging company with more than 3,700 properties in 73 countries and territories. MAR is currently trading around $71.07 in a 52 week range of $43.77 – 73.28. The company’s stock has been outperforming the market this year with shares increasing 44.17% year to date. Shares have traded flat in the last month, recently climbing back near 52 week highs.

Marriott International is scheduled to be releasing its Q314 earnings data on Tuesday, October 28th. Analysts expect Marriott International to post revenue of $3.43 billion for the quarter. Zacks Consensus Estimate expects earnings per share to be in the range of 59 cents to 63 cents per share in the third quarter, up from the year-ago figure of 52 cents per share. Looking at the company’s earnings history, MAR has rallied 4 of the last 8 quarters. On average, the stock has moved about 1.1% in the last 5 quarters as a result of earnings releases. This earnings season, market makers are implying about a +-  5.4% move in the stock for the October 31 option chain.

Can FB Avoid TWTR’s Missteps to Rally On Earnings?

Facebook (Nasdaq: FB, 80.77) is scheduled to report earnings after Tuesday’s closing bell. FB share are up over 26% year to date, with one market commentator saying ‘I’ve never seen a stock want to get to $100 so badly as FB.’ There’s also the much talked about ’80-120 rule,’ which says in a bull market stocks that hit $80 tend to hit $100, and stocks that make it to $100 tend to rally to $120.

Facebook has traded in a 52-week range of $43.55-$81.16, having made a new all-time high earlier in the Tuesday morning session. The FB Oct Weekly 81 Straddle is priced around $5.75, implying a move of about 7.3%. Historically Facebook is strong on earnings – the stock has rallied 3 of the past 4 and 6 of the past 8 quarters. FB stock’s mean move on earnings is 9.7%, more than implied by this week’s straddle.

While some might be wary of social media stocks following Twitter’s earnings, Facebook is a much stronger performer and management will avoid the pitfalls that have plagued their younger cousin. User numbers and monetization of mobile is key, and Facebook has a history of success in both these areas.

My Trade:

Sell the 80-79 Put Spread for $0.45

Risk: $55 Per 1 Lot
Reward: $45 Per 1 Lot
Break-even (at expiration): $79.55