Bearish Activity

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A trader bought 2,500 LO Jan 50 Puts for $1.23 (3.2 times usual volume) with stock at $49.92
A trader bought 17,652 ORCL Dec 33 Puts for $0.53 (2 times usual volume) with stock at $33.70
A trader bought 1,250 PH Dec 115 Puts for $0.20 (2.7 times usual volume) with stock at $121.04
A trader bought 1,000 FCN Mar 37 Puts for $1.00 (6.1 times usual volume) with stock at $44.15
A  trader bought 2,000 EBIX Mar 17 Puts for $4.00 (3.5 times usual volume) with stock at $14.32

Unusual Option Activity

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A trader bought 17,652 ORCL Dec 33 Puts for $0.53 (2 times usual volume) with stock at $33.70
A trader bought 1,356 HIMX Jan 13 Calls for $0.65 (2.7 times usual volume) with stock at $11.93
A trader sold 12,000 CBST Jan 60 Puts for $0.75-$1.05 (3.7 times usual volume) with stock at $66.45
A trader bought 7,300 KKR Jan 2015 30 Calls for $1.15 (6.5 times usual volume) with stock at $25.59
A trader bought 2,500 LO Jan 50 Puts for $1.23 (3.2 times usual volume) with stock at $49.92

Bearish Signals

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A trader sold 9,600 ADBE Jan 10th 17 Puts for $0.60 (5.1 times usual volume) with stock at $16.88
A trader bought 4,750 SUNE Jan 2015 5 Puts for $0.45 (2.6 times usual volume) with stock at $11.26
A trader bought 10,000 AGO Apr 19 Puts for $0.91 (2.4 times usual volume) with stock at $22.13
A trader bought 1,000 TRGP Jan 75 Puts for $0.725 (4.8 times usual volume) with stock at $80.74

Bullish Signals

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A trader bought 46,000 HAL Apr 60-65 Call Spreads for $0.35 (4.8 times usual volume) with stock at $49.24
A trader bought 2,229 YRCW Apr 12.5 Calls for $2.35 (2.7 times usual volume) with stock at $10.10
A trader bought 1,300 SB Jan 7.5 Calls for $1.75 (29.6 times usual volume) with stock at $9.06
A trader bought 3,000 SFLY Mar 55 Calls for $1.95 (2.9 times usual volume) with stock at $47.74
A trader bought 6,998 NBR Jun 18 Calls for $0.74 (5 times usual volume) with stock at $15.51

Unusual Options Activity

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A trader bought 46,000 HAL Apr 60-65 Call Spreads for $0.35 (4.8 times usual volume) with stock at $49.24
A trader sold 9,600 ADBE Jan 10th 17 Puts for $0.60 (5.1 times usual volume) with stock at $16.88
A trader bought 4,750 SUNE Jan 2015 5 Puts for $0.45 (2.6 times usual volume) with stock at $11.26
A trader bought 10,000 AGO Apr 19 Puts for $0.91 (2.4 times usual volume) with stock at $22.13
A trader bought 2,229 YRCW Apr 12.5 Calls for $2.35 (2.7 times usual volume) with stock at $10.10

Bullish Signals

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A trader bought 1,000 ACOR Dec 30 Calls for $1.10 (9.7 times usual volume) with stock at $29.81
A trader bought 2,500 CYH Jan 41 Calls for $0.90 (2.4 times usual volume) with stock at $38.81
A trader bought 20,000 BSX Feb 13 Calls for $0.20 (8.3 times usual volume) with stock at $11.32
A trader bought 13,600 BX Jan 2015 35 Calls for $1.25 (2.6 times usual volume) with stock at $28.89
A trader bought 2,200 GREK Dec 24 Calls for $0.10 (6.1 times usual volume) with stock at $22.41

Bearish Signals

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A trader bought 2,058 SUNE Dec 12 Puts for $0.51 (5.9 times usual volume) with stock at $12.05
A trader bought 25,000 IAG Jun 3 Puts for $0.35 (9.4 times usual volume) with stock at $3.53
A trader bought 1,500 RFMD Jan 5 Puts for $0.25 (4 times usual volume) with stock at $5.03
A trader bought 1,200 DRI Dec 50 Puts for $0.55 (3.2 times usual volume) with stock at $51.45
A trader bought 1,000 CSC Dec 50 Puts for $0.20 (3.2 times usual volume) with stock at $52.59

Unusual Option Activity

[shareaholic app="share_buttons" id="24556347"]

A trader bought 20,000 BSX Feb 13 Calls for $0.20 (8.3 times usual volume) with stock at $11.32
A trader bought 2,058 SUNE Dec 12 Puts for $0.51 (5.9 times usual volume) with stock at $12.05
A trader bought 13,600 BX Jan 2015 35 Calls for $1.25 (2.6 times usual volume) with stock at $28.89
A trader bought 25,000 IAG Jun 3 Puts for $0.35 (9.4 times usual volume) with stock at $3.53
A trader bought 2,200 GREK Dec 24 Calls for $0.10 (6.1 times usual volume) with stock at $22.41

THE BARBER’S CHAIR: Floyd the Barber presents common sense views on the intersection of politics and the markets.

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As I write this blog article, the S&P 500 is up over 25% for the year.  Given the political events of 2013, this is absolutely astonishing.  Here is a brief summary of some of these events.  If, on 1-1-2013, a person had predicted these events—and also projected a bullish stock market—that person would have been viewed as loonie as a nude streaker at the “snowstorm” Eagles-Lions football game.

In any event, here are the political events that the market had to overcome:

**A fiscal cliff “deal” is reached which raises taxes on the wealthy.  Also, this deal lets expire the “payroll tax holiday,” thereby increasing taxes on the middle class as well.  As a capper, dividend tax rates go up.

**War rages in Syria, threatening Middle East stability.

**Immigration reform—strongly supported by business interests—passes the Senate. But the bill has apparently died in the House without even a vote.

**Edward Snowden reveals intrusive NSA activities.  Obama is embarrassed.  Everyone is a little scared.  Tech companies and the NSA begin to feud.

**Gay marriage gains strength throughout the country, even in the Supreme Court.  (Effect on market is unknown, but this event is clearly significant.)

**Ted Cruz energizes the far right. Elizabeth Warren and Bill de Blasio energize the far left.  (Shame on you if you don’t know these last 2 names.)  These events infer even greater left-right animosity in the future.

**War continues to wage in Syria.  Pres. Obama seeks Congressional approval to attack over chemical weapons, but approval is not in the cards.  Obama is politically “saved” by Putin who pushes a chemical weapons deal with Syria.

**Republicans in Congress shut down the US government.  A large rift emerges between Republican business interests and Tea-publicans. Far right wing Tea partiers challenge many sitting Republican Senators.  Republicans get crushed in the polls. (But see next item.)

**ACA rollout is embarrassing and downright incompetent.  Millions get insurance cancellation notices. Republicans are “saved” by Obamacare’s totally botched rollout. Democrats get crushed in the polls.

**D’s and R’s apparently reach small, middlin’ budget deal, hopefully preventing a 2nd government shutdown.  Everyone is relieved by this incredibly minor achievement.

**All in all, Congress passes less legislation than any of its predecessors.  There is NO coherent fiscal policy out of Washington to help the economy.  Dysfunction is the rule, not the exception.  The Senate changes filibuster rules to address inaction.  Even standard, basic legislation flounders (e.g. the Agriculture Bill).

Yet, despite all of the above, the market is up over 25%.  Amazing.

Follow me on Twitter @USKOTM.

Bearish Signals

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A trader bought 4,575 RAD Jan 5 Puts for $0.15 (2.1 times usual volume) with stock at $6.01
A trader bought 5,000 JNS Jan 10 Puts for $0.30 (3.3 times usual volume) with stock at $10.64
A trader bought 4,700 PAYX Dec 44 Puts for $0.70 (3.1 times usual volume) with stock at $44.22
A trader bought 1,200 ATI Apr 27.5 Puts for $0.85 (4.2 times usual volume) with stock at $32.94
A trader bought 1,874 TRIP Jan 75 Puts for $1.20 (4.4 times usual volume) with stock at $86.33