Paper bought 2000 GSM Sep 12.5 Puts for $.70 (6.7 times usual volume) when stock was trading $14.39
Paper bought 473 KCG April 3.5 Puts for $.04 (9.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $3.73
Paper bought 368 CL May 110 Puts for $2.17 (3.3 times usual volume) when stock was trading $111.95
Paper bought 3071 JNPR May 19 Puts for $.79 (3.9 times usual volume) when stock was trading $20.04
Paper bought 500 ADBE April 40 Puts for $.98 (3.4 times usual volume) when stock was trading $40.95
Author: Andrew Keene
Biggest Bullish Activity 3.18.2013
Paper bought 4000 EWM July 15 Calls for $.20 (37.8 times usual volume) when stock was trading $14.30
Paper bought 1241 LCAV Sep 5 Calls for $.35 (116 times usual volume) when stock was trading $3.06
Paper bought 1444 PHHH Jan 2014 25 Calls for $1.40 (5.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $21.29
Paper bought 1000 ADTN April 22 Calls for $.45 when stock was trading $20.14
Paper bought 700 RMD April 45 Calls for $.675 (4.6 times usual volume) when stock was trading $42.99
Unusual Options Activity Report 3.18.2013
Paper bought 1241 LCAV Sep 5 Calls for $.35 (116 times usual volume) when stock was trading $3.06
Paper bought 9249 COP March weekly 60 Calls for $.21 (3.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $59.36
Paper bought 1000 CME April 65 Calls for $.45 when stock was trading $62.62
Paper sold 4800 DNDN Aug 5 Puts for $.72 when stock was trading $5.30
Paper sold 1000 ETFC April 11 Puts for $.61 when stock was trading $10.65
3.18.2013 Opening Bell
AAPL Update: Mini Options, Technicals, & News (AAPL, QQQ, DELL) 3.18.2013
Today also was the launch of AAPL mini options. These derivatives are have a 10 multiplier as opposed to the normal 100 multiple. These benefit retail customers given that the cash outlay is lower than normal options and at first glance the bid ask spread is also rather narrow for a new product. From the prospective of volume, the mini options are gaining interest faster than AVSPY alpha options too.
Possible Implications From the Cyprus 'Bailout' 3.18.2013
Even last year when the European banking system was shaking it was Draghi of the ECB that promised to use and make unlimited resources available in order to buy PIGS-paper. In this ways, savings depositors were calmed as the money at the bank supposedly would be safe.
It all was until this game-changer of a weekend when they made a kind of decision involving Cyprus, that offset all efforts ands decision makings in the last 2 years. And for what? A silly €5.8 Billion? Like this will create any change? And yes it’s only 6.75% and 9.9%… today! If this is tolerated, what about the future?
What about savers in Greece, Spain and Portugal? I bet you they will be a lot more insecure about their money at the bank! This will have huge implications. With this specific action Europe shows that it is willing to do anything and everything to preserve the Euro. It is because of this action the Euro will be under intense pressure for weeks maybe even months to come.
This will definitely move savings in all kind of directions. My bet a lot of it will flow into real assets, Gold and Silver!
Sven Van Tongeren
KOTM Contributor-At-Large
Apple & Google Pivot Points for 3.18.2013
S&P Emini Pivot points for 3.18.2013
More Downside for the GBP? 3.15.2013
Prior to the disappointing data released last week, the British Pound suffered when Britain’s credit rating was downgraded by Moody’s last February. Another main concern is the expected quantitative easing from the Bank of England in response to their .3% drop in GDP in the final quarter of 2012. It is no longer a question of whether the Bank of England will ease its monetary policies, but how much. Unfortunately, Britain’s economic forecast is looking nearly as bad as the euro-zone.
Edmund Gray
KOTM Contributor
Biggest Bearish Activity 3.15.2013
Paper bought 6760 NYX June 32 Puts for $.20 (12.8 time usual volume) when stock was trading $38.14
Paper bought 1100 USNA April 35 Puts for $.55 (3.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $46
Paper bought 1000 NTES April 52.5 for $2.25 (2.6 times usual volume) when stock was trading $52.32
Paper bought 1030 ASML April 72.5 Puts for $3.20 (3.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $71.55
Paper bought 200 MDC Sep 19 Puts for $.85 (2.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $38.60