The Bear Bringing Us Volatility?

The headlines today are filled with mostly bearish stories and grim reminders of when “the sky fell” in the 2008 market free fall. Today we saw soft predictions of a market top. After all analyst would hate to be wrong yet again about another market correction. Those who sold the so called “top” last year, missed out on so much of this raging bull market. As a trader it doesn’t matter who’s right; it doesn’t matter who gets the gold star for predicting the top. It doesn’t matter if the market is bullish or bearish; the only thing that matters is that your moving with the market. All of this bearish talk today and uncertainty about the market creates volatility. Volatility creates opportunity as a trader. Remember the market takes the stairs up and the elevator down in a bearish market. Don’t be afraid of the bear, some of the best days as a trader are created by uncertainty in the market, volatility, and bearish turns in the market. Today the markets are a little bit choppy but for the most part unchanged overall as investors look to pick which side of the market they want to be on.