Biggest Bullish Activity 4.17.2013

bullishPaper Buys 1,000 PDCE Jul 55 Calls for $0.40 (3.3 times usual volume) with stock at 38.67
Paper Sold 155,850 FXI May 35 Puts for $1.03 (4.1 times usual volume) with stock trading at $34.85
Paper Sells 25,000 BHP Aug 50 Puts for $0.70 (5 times usual volume) with stock trading at $63.77
Paper Sold 10,000 ABX Jan 15 Puts for $1.175 (2.1 times usual volume) with stock trading at $18.83
Paper Bought 2,600 MHR Jan 2.5 Calls for $0.70 (7.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $2.54