Biggest Bullish Activity 5.28.2013

Bull market Stocks BondPaper bought 12,000 XLV Jul 52 Calls for $0.21 (2.5 times usual volume) with stock at $49.76
Paper bought 1,000 DXM Dec 30 Calls for $1.90 (2.8 times usual volume) with stock at $19.85
Paper bought 500 KORS May 31st 67.5 Calls for $1.10 (2.2 times usual volume) with stock at $61.94
Paper bought 3,541 UUP Dec 23 Calls for $0.41 (2.5 times usual volume) with stock at $22.81
Paper bought 300 BOND Nov 110 Calls for $0.35 (12.6 times usual volume) with stock at $109.01