Biggest Bullish Activity 6.3.2013

Bull market Stocks BondPaper bought 6,875 IRM Jun 37.5 Calls for $0.35 (2.1 times usual volume) with stock at $35.65
Paper bought 1,413 LINTA Jan 22 Calls for $2.10 (6.2 times usual volume) with stock at $22.55
Paper bought 1,722 TWC Oct 115 Calls for $0.35 (2.9 times usual volume) with stock at $94.34
Paper bought 2,462 TWO Sep 12 Calls for $0.225 (2.8 times usual volume) with stock at $10.87
Paper bought 545 WBMD Jul 30 Calls for $1.45 (2.6 times usual volume) with stock at $29.79