Biggest Bullish Activity 6.4.2013

Bull market Stocks BondPaper bought 17,000 INTC Aug 25 Calls for $1.59 (2.2 times usual volume) with stock at $25.87
Paper bought 525 ANV Dec 7.5 Calls for $2.05 (15.3 times usual volume) with stock at $8.10
Paper bought 5,500 DVAX Jun 2 Calls for $0.60 (21.2 times usual volume) with stock at $2.49
Paper bought 1,680 KND Nov 15 Calls for $1.10 (19.5 times usual volume) with stock at $14.41
Paper bought 4,854 TWC Oct 115 Calls for $0.425 (4.4 times usual volume) with stock at $95.37