Unuusal Options Activity 6.26.2013

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Chart BLUE CME GroupPaper bought 40,000 XME Dec 40 Calls for $0.53 (6.8 times usual volume) with stock at $32.16

Paper bought 11,000 GDXJ Jan 6 Puts for $0.45 (4.7 times usual volume) with stock at $8.40

Paper bought 10,000 GG Jan GG Jan 15 Puts $0.64 (2.1 times usual volume) with stock at $22.77

Paper sold 1,000 DGIT Aug 7.5 Calls for $0.35 (11.8 times usual volume) with stock at $7.08
Paper bought 1,000 OPK Sep 7 Puts for $0.90 (3.7 times usual volume) with stock at $6.99

Biggest Bullish Activity 6.25.2013

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Bull Market Stocks BondsPaper bought 800 LF Sep 12.5 Calls for $0.10 (3.2 times usual volume) with stock at $9.82
Paper bought 1,750 KOL Kil 17 Calls for $0.925 (15.6 times usual volume) with stock at $17.47
Paper bought 19,829 TSM Jan 2015 17.5 Calls for $2.20 (65.8 times usual volume) with stock at $17.46
Paper bought 6,000 AWAY Oct 35 Calls for $1.25 (10.6 times usual volume) with stock at $30.63
Paper bougth 2,500 MSI Jul 55 Calls for $1.54 (2.8 times usual volume) with stock at $55.64

Biggest Bearish Activity 6.25.2013

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Bear Market Crash VolatilityPaper bought 2,000 BKS Jan 15 Puts for $2.35 (5.2 times usual volume) with stock at $15.49
Paper bought 750 AEP Jul 44 Puts for $0.75 (3.5 times usual volume) with stock at $44.28
Paper bought 1,600 AMG Sep 125 Puts for $1.60 (11.1 times usual volume) with stock at $156.39
Paper bought 3,435 IACI Aug 45 Puts for $1.75 (3.9 times usual volume) with stock at $47.15