Biggest Bullish Activity 3.8.2013

Bull Calls Puts SpreadsPaper bought 1200 AVNR March 3 Calls for $.10 (3.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $3.08
Paper bought 1000 CNC March 50 Calls for $.35 (2.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $47.74
Paper bought 1738 PLCM Oct 12.5 Calls for $.75 (5.7 times usual volume) when stock was trading $10
Paper bought 3585 BMC Jan 2014 45 Calls for $2.80 (5.3 times usual volume) when stock was trading $42.90
Paper bought 8167 PXP Aug 50 Calls for $1.15 (9.6 times usual volume) when stock was trading $46.35

Unusual Options Activity 3.8.2013

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Paper bought 40,000 EMC Jan 2014 20 Puts for $.76 (5.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $24.16
Paper bought 10,000 GCI July 24 Calls for $.90 (11.3 times usual volume) when stock was trading $21.21
Paper bought 927 JCI March 34 Calls for $.30 when stock was trading $33.76
Paper bought 7500 XRX Jan 2014 7 Calls for $1.99 (11.4 times usual volume) when stock was trading $8.71
Paper sold 16,600 LLTC March 39 Calls for $.15 (9.5 times usual volume) when stock was trading $38.50

Unusual Options Activity Nets HUGE Profits 3.10.2013

Sometimes, I miss trades, because I am at a meeting, on the phone or away from my desk.  Every Morning when I
wake up the first thing I do is turn on CNBC.  I watch to see the
stocks that are moving in  pre-market trading.  I saw NAV jumping higher on
a variety of news.  So, then I went to my Unusual Options Activity
scanner and noticed a trader bought 12,000 NAV April 30 Calls for
$.65.  This was the biggest order over the last 10 trading days.  Let me show a breakdown of how much money
this trader made.

Paper bought 12,000 NAV April 30 Calls for $.65
(Paper is an order from a hedge fund, mutual fund, retail bank, or BIG trader)
Risk: $65 per a lot
Reward: Unlimited
Breakeven: $30.65
Cash Outlay for this Trade: $780,000

Greeks of this Trade:
Delta: Long
Gamma: Long
Vega: Long
Theta: Short

On 3.8.2013, these Calls are worth $6.15, so lets breakdown this trades Profits.

$6.15- $.65 * 100 * 12,000=  $6.6 Million Dollar

If a trader risked $1,000 on this trade and bought 15 Options they
would have netted $8,250

If a trader risked $5,000 on the trade and bought 75 Options, they
would netted $41,250

This is just another example of trading with the BIG money and Hedge
funds in the BEST Live Trading Room as I
breakdown over 2,000 trades in a day and also tweet them on our
Premium Twitter feed

By the way, SEC leave those HNZ traders alone.

DeMark’s Lucky 13? (SPX, SPY, QQQ) 3.8.2013

DeMark is the founder of Market Studies LLC and the creator of DeMark technical indicators. The indicators are used for market timing and technical analysts. The confluence of sell signals is very interesting considering we are near all time highs.

Charts From Bloomberg and Market Studies LLC


Biggest Bearish Activity 3.7.2013

Bear CNBC Day TradingPaper bought 6000 END Sep 5 Puts for $2.15 (3.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $3.56
Paper bought 2336 DGI April 30 Puts for $1.80 (3.0 times usual volume) when stock was trading $29.51
Paper bought 700 PETS April 12.5 Puts for $.40 (68.5 times usual volume) when stock was trading $13.30
Paper bought 800 MTL Oct 5 Puts for $.90 (3.4 times usual volume) when stock was trading $5.42
Paper bought 1000 BIIB April 160-150 Put Spread for $1.50 (2.7 times usual volume) when stock was trading $172.09

Biggest Bullish Activity 3.7.2013

Bull Market Stocks BondsPaper bought 8000 NXPI March 30 Calls for $2.60 (5.0 times usual volume) when stock was trading
Paper bought 10,500 ASTX April 3 Calls for $.95 (4.7 times usual volume) when stock was trading $3.94
Paper bought 1260 DSW July 70 Calls for $5 (27.4 times usual volume) when stock was trading $68.81
Paper bought 4922 XRX Jan 7 Calls for $1.78 (4.7 times usual volume) when stock was trading $8.47
Paper bought 1000 WPX March 15 Calls for $.70 (2.3 times usual volume) when stock was trading $15.68

Unusual Options Activity 3.7.2013

shutterstock 71668357 2Paper bought 7087 UPL April 19 Calls for $.35 (6.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $17.42
Paper sold 6000 LYV April 11 Calls for $.61 when stock was trading $11.11
Paper bought 3943 ETFC Jan 12 Calls and Sold Jan 10 Puts for $.36 debit (5.6 times usual volume) when stock was trading $11.20
Paper sold 10,000 TLM July 11 Puts for $.60 (2.8 times usual volume) when stock was trading $12.26
Paper bought 2500 CROX Sep 18 Calls for $.875 when stock was trading $15.41