Biggest Bearish Activity 2.21.2013

Bears Bear Market RagePaper bought 5000 ACAD June 3.5 Puts for $.15 when stock was trading $5.94
Paper bought 900 LINTA March 21 Puts for $.55 (16.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $21.34
Paper bought 850 MXIM March 31 Puts for $.575 when stock was trading $31.45
Paper bought 560 EBIX June 22 Puts for $5.60 (12.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $18.17
Paper bought 1500 SFD March 24 Puts for $1.80 (3.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $22.55

Biggest Bullish Activity 2.21.2013

bullishPaper bought 1250 HOGS June 12.5 Calls for $.74 when stock was trading $12.78
Paper bought 504 CNC March 47.5 Calls for $.70 (2.9 times usual volume) when $44.89
Paper bought 2367 ZTS July 30 Calls for $3.85 (6.9 times usual volume) when stock was trading $32.18
Paper bought 1730 ADP April 62.5 Calls for $.35 (2.9 times usual volume) when stock was trading $60.40
Paper bought 750 FDO March 57.5 Calls for $.85 when stock was trading $56.13

Unusual Options Activity Report 2.21.2013

rok-tabs-kotmPaper bought 20,000 GGB Sep 9-10 Bull Call Spread for $.28 (94.3 times usual volume) when stock was trading $8.10
Paper sold the 5189 BRY April 45 Calls and bought April 40 Puts for $1.10 credit (122 times usual volume) when stock was trading $45.12
Paper bought 1800 P March 12 Straddles for $2.25 (2.0 times usual volume) when stock was $11.62
Paper bought 1000 BID March 38 Calls for $1.35 when stock was trading $37.52
Paper bought 1975 NCT May 12.5 Calls for $.15

Biggest Bearish Activity 2.20.2013

Bear CNBC Day TradingPaper bought 868 WLK April 95 Puts for $7.00 when stock was trading $90.74
Paper bought 4385 AUMN June 2.5 Puts for $.325 (6.7 times usual volume) when stock was trading $2.82
Paper bought 1852 LPX March 20 Puts for $.25 when stock was trading when stock was trading $21.80
Paper bought 1458 ATML March 7 Puts for $.25 when stock was trading $7.16
Paper bought 5086 TIBX March 20 Puts for $.20 (3.6 times usual volume) when stock was trading $22.31

Biggest Bullish Activity 2.20.2013

Bull Market Stocks BondsPaper bought 3500 VCI March 35 Calls for $.35 (33.7 times usual volume) when stock was trading $31.25
Paper bought 1300 AON March 60 Calls for $.70 (3.5 times usual volume) when stock was trading $59.38
Paper bought 2022 WEN March 6 Calls for $.05 (6.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $5.69
Paper bought 1676 GSK April 47 Calls for $.45 (2.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $45.49
Paper bought 628 RAI Jan 2014 40 Calls for $4.60 (2.5 times usual volume) when stock was trading $44.38