Biggest Bearish Activity 2.8.2013

Bear CNBC Day TradingPaper bought 1695 CPB Feb 37 Puts for $.30 (3.9 times usual volume)
when stock was trading $37.63
Paper bought 600 RGP March 22.5 Puts for $.60 (2.0 times usual volume)
when stock was trading $23.52
Paper bought 3700 EMR Feb 57.5 Puts for $.65 when stock was trading $57.76
Paper bought 450 CPN July 16 Puts for $.20 when stock was trading $19.99
Paper bought 614 CHU July 15 Puts for $1.00 (22.4 times usual volume)
when stock was trading $15.18

Biggest Bullish Call Activity 2.8.2013

bullishPaper bought 4900 AVNR Sep 4 Calls for $.225 (14.9 times usual volume)
when stock was trading $2.81
Paper bought 787 PX March 115 Calls for $.45 when stock was trading $111.47
Paper bought 8000 LUV March 12 Calls for $.20 (9.7 times usual volume)
when stock was trading $11.65
Paper bought 900 WETF Sep 10 Calls for $1.25 (14.5 times usual volume)
when stock was trading $9.45
Paper bought 700 CE Feb 50 Calls for $.25 (2.7 times usual volume)
when stock was trading $49.50

Unusual Options Activity Report 2.8.2013

rok-tabs-kotmPaper bought 6200 BEAV July 55-60 Call Spread vs. Selling July 50 Puts and paid $.30 (185 times usual volume) when stock was trading $54.03
Paper sold 1150 KORS Feb 57.5 Straddle for $6.20 when stock was trading $56.68
Paper bought 16,644 FSL March 16 Calls for $.375 when stock was trading $15.27 (9.5 times usual volume) when stock was trading $15.27
Paper bought 6636 MPEL March 22 Calls for $.575 (2.1 times usual volume) when stock was trading $20.50
Paper bought 3365 NXPI Feb 30 Puts for $.25 (7.2 times usual volume) when stock was trading $31.13

LNKD Surges (LNKD, QQQ, FB) 2.8.2013

 The options were expecting about a $9.00 move in the stock and according to current prices, the move is going to be outside of that. The ‘at the money’ straddle was just about $9.50 too.  Today’s move was basically unlikely, according to what the options were implying yesterday.  LNKD is probably going to open up at a new all time high. Bullish fundamentals are paired with bullish management.

Analysts are moving around their PTs. BMO Capital Markets maintained LNKD at market perform, but raised its $130 PT. JEF held on to its buy rating and increased its PT to $170.

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The EU is Back in the News 2.7.2013

President of the European Central Bank, ECB, Mario Draghi, today warned about continued risks to the European situation. Tax hikes and upward pricing pressures on oil are just the beginning, because the data, according to Draghi, may be signaling economic weakness in early 2013. Considering the SPX is near all time highs, a pullback may be warranted if the European situation escalates…not to mention if CDS start to be mentioned in the headlines too.

Moreover, Draghi also warned that Euro area risks continue to be skewed to the downside. Basically, should there be an adverse shock to their economic situation, it would probably result in negative growth and ever feared deflation. Traders will definitely keep their eye on the EUR/USD to monitor the Euro situation.

The technical picture for the EUR/USD seems to be rather bearish.  EUR/USD is roughly 1% away from its 50-day moving average. This level should provide a short-term support, for there is also slight trend line support there, but it will probably be short lived as momentum and fear gain traction.

Italian 5yr CDS are up 0.37% today.

Spanish 5yr CDS are up 0.16% today.

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