KeeneOnTheMarket: Trade to Win Using Unusual Options Activity, Volatility, and Earnings

A Leading Expert unveils his unique methodology for Options Trading

Options provide a high leverage approach to trading that can significantly limit the overall risk of a trade or provide additional income. Yet, many people fail to capitalize on this potentially lucrative opportunity because they mistakenly believe that options are risky. Now options expert Andrew Keene helps aspiring investors to enter this sector by explaining the principles of the options market and showing readers how to utilize calls and puts successfully.


  • Leading options expert Andrew Keene demystifies the basics of options trading

  • Debunks the myth that call purchases are synonymous with being bullish and that put purchases are bearish

  • Lays out in detail two distinct proprietary trading plans readers can follow

  • Explains how to trade using market maker techniques and tricks from the trading floor to help with his probabilities in options trading


Andrew Keene is best known for reading unusual options activity and seeing what others don’t. Now he shares what he knows in a book that opens the opportunities of options trading to any investor.


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Autographed & Numbered 

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  • Andrew Keene was an independent equity options trader on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange for 11 years. He spent most of that time as a market maker in over 125 stocks, including Apple, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, and Yahoo. Currently, Andrew is actively trading futures, equity options, currency pairs, and commodities.
  • You’ll get LIVE access to REAL traders in REAL time with REAL trading account. We’ll provide you with important tools like LIVE option order flow, LIVE unusual option activity and LIVE trading & market analysis. 
  • Live Market Analysis and Unusual Options Activity Flow
  • Andrew Keene Educates and Mentors the KOTM Comprehensive Options Education Course with LIVE Q&A
  • Andrew discusses Unusual Options Activity, and  Earnings Propetiary Trading Plan
  • Live Day Trading & Swing Trades Using Propetiary Trading Plan
  • Premium Twitter: Access Exclusive Trading Room Chat on Twitter
  • Education and Mentoring from a Successful, Profitable Trader

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 (312) 261 5581

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    “KeeneontheMarket.com” (“KOTM”) is not an investment advisor and is not registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Further, owners, employees, agents or representatives of KOTM are not acting as investment advisors and might not be registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory.

    All persons and entities (including their representatives, agents, and affiliates) contributing to the content on this website are not providing investment or legal advice. Nor are they making recommendations with respect to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling securities, nor are they rendering any advice on the basis of the specific investment situation of any particular person or entity. All information on this website is strictly informational and is not to be construed as advocating, promoting or advertising registered or unregistered investments of any kind whatsoever. The information provided on this website is provided “as-is” and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current. The sole purpose of this website (including, but not limited to, the contents of this website and any oral or written presentation made in any way referring to or relating to this website) is to provide information which could possibly be used by a person or entity in discussions with his/her/its investment advisors and/or investment decision makers and does not function as a substitute for the advice of an investment advisor. You should consult with your own trusted financial professionals before making any investment or trading decisions.

    KOTM is not responsible for the accuracy of any information on this website or for reviewing the contents of the listings that are provided by the listees or any linked websites, and KOTM is not responsible for any material or information contained in the linked websites or provided by listees. KOTM makes no warranty, express or implied, about the accuracy or reliability of the information on this website or on any other website to which this website is linked. Your use of this website is at your own risk. In addition, if you use any links to other websites, you do so at your own risk and understand that such linked website is independent from KOTM. KOTM does not endorse such linked websites and is not responsible for the contents or availability of such linked websites. These links are provided only as a convenience to you. KOTM is not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage related to your use of this website or any website linked to this website, whether from errors or omissions in the content of our website or any other linked websites (e.g., injury resulting from the website being down or from any other use of the website).

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    Owners, employees, agents or representatives of KOTM may have interests or positions in securities of the company profiled herein. Specifically, such individuals or entities may buy or sell positions, and may or many not follow the information provided on this website.Some or all of the positions may have been acquired prior to the publication of such information on the website, and such positions may increase or decrease at any time. Any opinions expressed and/or information on this website are statements of judgment as of the date of publication /or/ circulation on the website, and such opinions and/or information are subject to change without further notice. Any such change may not necessarily be made available immediately on this website or elsewhere. None of the materials or advertisements herein constitute offers or solicitations to purc
    hase or sell securities of the company profiled herein.

    Day trading, short term trading, options trading, and futures trading are extremely risky undertakings. They generally are not appropriate for someone with limited capital, little or no trading experience, and/ or a low tolerance for risk. Never execute a trade unless you can afford to and are prepared to lose your entire investment. All trading operations involve serious risks, and you can lose your entire investment.

    In addition, certain trades may result in a loss greater than your entire investment. Always perform your own due diligence and, as appropriate, make informed decisions with the help of a licensed financial professional. KOTM makes no warranties or guarantees as to our accuracy, the profitability of any trades which are discussed, or any other guarantees or warranties of any kind. You should make your own independent investigation and evaluation of any possible investment or investment advice being considered.

    Commissions, fees and other costs associated with investing or trading may vary from broker to broker. You should speak with your broker about these costs. Be aware that certain trades that may be profitable for some may not be profitable for you, after taking into account these costs. You should also be aware that, in certain markets, you may not always be able to buy or sell a position at the price I discuss. Thus, you may not be able to take advantage of certain trades discussed herein.

    © 2013 KeeneOnTheMarket. All Rights Reserved.

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Who is Andrew Keene?

    • Andrew Keene is an options trader, educator, and mentor. Prior to founding KeeneOnTheMarket.com, Andrew spent a decade on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange as an independent market maker, first with Botta Capital then with KATL Group. His first book, Keene On The Market: Trade To Win Using Unusual Options Activity, is due to be published in July from Wiley.

    What is KeeneOnTheMarket.com?

    • KeeneOnTheMarket.com was founded in 2011 as a mean to facilitate the ‘new wave’ of trading. With the rise of online brokerages in the 1990s, anyone with computer and internet connection could execute trades in their portfolio without the assistance of a broker. This ‘new wave’ of trading and affordable, easy to access liquidity led to a surge in the number of ‘retail’ traders (individual investors who actively trade their own accounts)
    • KeeneOnTheMarket.com is an education service and financial blog and designed to offer new wave traders the best information possible to manage risk effectively when trading. Additionally, the site serves as a community for traders around the world, removing the isolation felt by many in the profession. Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

    What products or services do you offer?

    • KeeneOnTheMarket.com offers a live trading room, Twitter trade alert service, and both one-on-one and group options mentorship and education.

    What is the live trading room?

    • The live trading room is forum where members can see Keene trade his account in real time, ask questions, and interact with other members of the room. In the room, members are able to see charting and unusual option activity order flow. Members will hear 4+ hours of audio as Keene discusses unusual options activity, earnings trades, trade setups, and technical analysis and market commentary. Members may request analysis of a given stock or trade in the room, and are also entitled to a 24 hour response to email queries.

    What is ‘unusual option activity’ and what is ‘paper’?

    • Unusual options activity is an order for an options contract exceeding the average volume for a given asset. Tracking this activity provides traders and investors with insights into the positions of paper. On the trading floor, brokers would carry orders from institutions from brokers into the pits. Derived from this occurrence, term paper is used to describe an order from an institution such as a hedge fund, mutual fund, bank, or a big trader.

    What is Premium Twitter?

    • Premium Twitter is an alert service designed active traders who may not be in front of a computer screen every day. By following @KOTMPremium, subscribers see as Keene tweets out positions on his watch list, flags unusual options activity, and gives updates on working and filled orders.

    Do you offer product trials and if so, how can this be arranged?

    • To arrange a trial subscription to the Live Trading Room or Premium Twitter feed, email info@keeneonthemarket.com or call 312-261-5581.


    Who is Andrew Keene?
    Andrew Keene is an options trader, educator, and mentor.  Prior to founding KeeneOnTheMarket.com, Andrew spent a decade on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange as an independent market maker, first with Botta Capital then with KATL Group.  His first book, Keene On The Market: Trade To Win Using Unusual Options Activity,is due to be published in July from Wiley.
    What is KeeneOnTheMarket.com?
    KeeneOnTheMarket.com was founded in 2011 as a mean to facilitate the 'new wave' of trading.  With the rise of online brokerages in the 1990s, anyone with computer and internet connection could execute trades in their portfolio without the assistance of a broker.  This 'new wave' of trading and affordable, easy to access liquidity led to a surge in the number of 'retail' traders (individual investors who actively trade their own accounts).
    KeeneOnTheMarket.com is an education service and financial blog and designed to offer new wave traders the best information possible to manage risk effectively when trading. Additionally, the site serves as a community for traders around the world, removing the isolation felt by many in the profession.
    What products or services do you offer?
    KeeneOnTheMarket.com offers a live trading room, Twitter trade alert service, and both one-on-one and group options mentorship and education.
    What is the live trading room?
    The live trading room is forum where members can see Keene trade his account in real time, ask questions, and interact with other members of the room.  In the room, members are able to see charting and unusual option activity order flow.  Members will hear 4+ hours of audio as Keene discusses unusual options activity, earnings trades, trade setups, and technical analysis and market commentary.  Members may request analysis of a given stock or trade in the room, and are also entitled to a 24 hour response to email queries. This article mentions your favorite at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.
    What is 'unusual option activity' and what is 'paper'?
    Unusual options activity is an order for an options contract exceeding the average volume for a given asset.  Tracking this activity provides traders and investors with insights into the positions of paper.  On the trading floor, brokers would carry orders from institutions from brokers into the pits. Derived from this occurrence, term paper is used to describe an order from an institution such as a hedge fund, mutual fund, bank, or a big trader.  
    What is Premium Twitter?
    Premium Twitter is an alert service designed active traders who may not be in front of a computer screen every day.  By following @KOTMPremium, subscribers see as Keene tweets out positions on his watch list, flags unusual options activity, and gives updates on working and filled orders.
    Do you offer product trials and if so, how can this be arranged?
    To arrange a trial subscription to the Live Trading Room or Premium Twitter feed, email andrew@keeneonthemarket.com or call 312-261-5581.

    Member Access Education Videos

    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Intro_to_Options_Andrew_1.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Intro to Options Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Calls.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Call Option Basics Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Puts.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Put Option Basics Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Volatilty_1.1.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Volatility Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Delta_Gamma.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Delta and Gamma Andrew Keene
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Vega_Theta_Rho.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Vega, Theta, & RHO Andrew Keene
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Put_Call_Spreads.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Buying Put & Call Spreads Andrew Keene
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/SellingCall_PutSpreads.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Selling Put & Call Spreads Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_CreditSpreads_CoveredCalls.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Credit Spreads & Covered Calls Andrew Keene
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_TradingOptions_WStock.mp4″]Watch[/readon] N/A Trading Options with Stock Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Weekly_Options.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Trading Weekly Options  Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Straddles_Strangles.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Straddles and Strangles  Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Option_Greeks2.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Option Greeks pt 2 Andrew Keene
    11/26/2012 Married Puts Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_CondorsandButterflies_12.3.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 12/3/2012 Condors & Butterflies Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_CondorsandSkew_11.20.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/20/2012 Condors & Skews Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_CoveredCalls_11.26.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/26/2012 Covered Calls Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_ManageTrades_11.16.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/16/2012 Manage Trades Andrew Keene
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Managinglargepositions_11.29.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/29/2012 Managing Large Positions Andrew Keene
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Ratiospreads_11.8.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/8/2012 Ratio Spreads Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_Reviewandquiz_11.30.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/30/2012 Week 8 Quiz Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_StraddlesandStrangles_11.9.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/9/2012 Straddles & Strangles Andrew Keene
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Andrew_WeeklyOptions_11.6.12.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/6/2012 Weekly Options Andrew Keene
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/upgrade/images/OptionEducationVideos/RandallOptionBasics.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Intro Into Options Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randal_Calls.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  10/2/2012 
    Basic Calls Randall Liss  
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall_Puts.mp4″]Watch[/readon]   N/A Basic Puts Randall Liss
     [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall_Options_Review.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A  Option Greeks  Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/RandallGreeks_Volatility1.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 


     Volatility Part 1  Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randalvolatility.mp4″]Watch[/readon]    N/A  Volatility Part 2  Randall Liss 
      10/9/2012  Selling Options  Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall_Verticals_1.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 10/11/2012  Verticals Spreads Part 1  Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall Verticals 2.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 10/11/2012  Vertical Spreads Part 2  Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/RandallVerticals_pt1_108.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 10/11/2012 Vertical Spreads Part 3 Randall Liss
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall_RatioVerticals_Ladder.mp4″]Watch[/readon] 11/8/2012 Ratio Verticals & Ladders Randall Liss
      10/15/2012  Straddles & Strangles  Randall Liss 
      10/16/2012   Butterflys & Condors  Randall Liss 
      11/26/2012  Synthetics / Put Call Parity  Randall Liss 
     Calendar Spreads  Randall Liss 
       N/A  Cover Calls & Sacred Cows  Randall Liss 
       N/A The Box & Ladders  Randall Liss 
       11/8/2012 BackSpreads & Ratio Spreads  Rand
    all Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall_Pin_Risk.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Pin Risk Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randal_Strategies.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Strategy Formulation  Randall Liss 
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall_Options_Review.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Options Review Randall Liss
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Randall_TradingforaLiving.mp4″]Watch[/readon]  N/A Trading For a Living Randall Liss
    [readon url=”http://www.keeneonthemarket.com/images/OptionEducationVideos/Alex_Ichimoku_Clouds.mp4″]Watch[/readon]   N/A Ichimoku Clouds Alex Bernal


    Register here for Andrew’s Exclusive Trade of the Day! 



    Want to Learn How to be a BETTER Options Trader?
    Tired of LOSING Money Trading Options?
    WATCH This Video.

     Andrew Keene was an independent equity options trader on the Chicago Board Options Exchange for 11 years. He spent most of that time as a market maker in over 125 stocks, including Apple, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, and Yahoo. Currently, Andrew is actively trading futures, equity options, currency pairs, and commodities.

    Andrew has become one of the CBOE’s most recognized faces in the media, making regular appearances on Bloomberg, BNN, CNBC, and his own show on CBOETV.  He is also a regular contributor for Bloomberg Radio, DailyForex.com, Minyanville.com and Jim Cramer’s TheStreet.com.  Andrew received a B.S. in Finance with a concentration in Accountancy from the University of Illinois.

    We Want to Teach You How The Keys to
    Successful Options Trading.


    Hello, my name is Andrew Keene and I’m so glad you found our web site.AndrewAboutUs

    Are you new to options trading? Would you like to be able to “shadow” an experienced options trader? You’ve come to the right place.

    Are you trading options but losing money? Wouldn’t it be great if you could follow someone who has a record of making money in options trading? Welcome!

    Discover the Keene on the Market


    You’ll get LIVE access to REAL traders in REAL time with REAL trading account. We’ll provide you with important tools like LIVE option order flow, LIVE unusual option activity and LIVE trading & market analysis.

    What Else Do You Get?

    • Live Market Analysis and Unusual Options Activity Flow
    • Andrew Keene Educates and Mentors the KOTM Comprehensive Options Education Course with LIVE Q&A
    • Andrew discusses Unusual Options Activity, and  Earnings Propetiary Trading Plan
    • Live Day Trading & Swing Trades Using Propetiary Trading Plan
    • Premium Twitter: Access Exclusive Trading Room Chat on Twitter
    • Education and Mentoring from a Successful, Profitable Trader


     Reguest a Free 7 Day Trial to KOTM Premium Products.

    I would like to invite you to visit my Live Trading Room or try out my Premium Twitter Feed with live market commentary and trade suggestion. Just fill out the request form below and I’ll get right back to you.

    {rsform 6}




    “KeeneontheMarket.com” (“KOTM”) is not an investment advisor and is not registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Further, owners, employees, agents or representatives of KOTM are not acting as investment advisors and might not be registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory.

    All persons and entities (including their representatives, agents, and affiliates) contributing to the content on this website are not providing investment or legal advice. Nor are they making recommendations with respect to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling securities, nor are they rendering any advice on the basis of the specific investment situation of any particular person or entity. All information on this website is strictly informational and is not to be construed as advocating, promoting or advertising registered or unregistered investments of any kind whatsoever. The information provided on this website is provided “as-is” and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current. The sole purpose of this website (including, but not limited to, the contents of this website and any oral or written presentation made in any way referring to or relating to this website) is to provide information which could possibly be used by a person or entity in discussions with his/her/its investment advisors and/or investment decision makers and does not function as a substitute for the advice of an investment advisor. You should consult with your own trusted financial professionals before making any investment or trading decisions.

    KOTM is not responsible for the accuracy of any information on this website or for reviewing the contents of the listings that are provided by the listees or any linked websites, and KOTM is not responsible for any material or information contained in the linked websites or provided by listees. KOTM makes no warranty, express or implied, about the accuracy or reliability of the information on this website or on any other website to which this website is linked. Your use of this website is at your own risk. In addition, if you use any links to other websites, you do so at your own risk and understand that such linked website is independent from KOTM. KOTM does not endorse such linked websites and is not responsible for the contents or availability of such linked websites. These links are provided only as a convenience to you. KOTM is not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage related to your use of this website or any website linked to this website, whether from errors or omissions in the content of our website or any other linked websites (e.g., injury resulting from the website being down or from any other use of the website).

    Any information that you send to us in an e-mail message is not confidential or privileged, and KOTM may use any information legally provided to us for any legal purpose.

    Owners, employees, agents or representatives of KOTM may have interests or positions in securities of the company profiled herein. Specifically, such individuals or entities may buy or sell positions, and may or many not follow the information provided on this website.Some or all of the positions may have been acquired prior to the publication of such information on the website, and such positions may increase or decrease at any time. Any opinions expressed and/or information on th
    is website are statements of judgment as of the date of publication /or/ circulation on the website, and such opinions and/or information are subject to change without further notice. Any such change may not necessarily be made available immediately on this website or elsewhere. None of the materials or advertisements herein constitute offers or solicitations to purchase or sell securities of the company profiled herein.

    Day trading, short term trading, options trading, and futures trading are extremely risky undertakings. They generally are not appropriate for someone with limited capital, little or no trading experience, and/ or a low tolerance for risk. Never execute a trade unless you can afford to and are prepared to lose your entire investment. All trading operations involve serious risks, and you can lose your entire investment.

    In addition, certain trades may result in a loss greater than your entire investment. Always perform your own due diligence and, as appropriate, make informed decisions with the help of a licensed financial professional. KOTM makes no warranties or guarantees as to our accuracy, the profitability of any trades which are discussed, or any other guarantees or warranties of any kind. You should make your own independent investigation and evaluation of any possible investment or investment advice being considered.

    Commissions, fees and other costs associated with investing or trading may vary from broker to broker. You should speak with your broker about these costs. Be aware that certain trades that may be profitable for some may not be profitable for you, after taking into account these costs. You should also be aware that, in certain markets, you may not always be able to buy or sell a position at the price I discuss. Thus, you may not be able to take advantage of certain trades discussed herein.


    KOTM Live Trading Room

    Designed to facilitate the ‘new wave’ of trading, the Live Trading Room offer an interactive forum for members to discuss and trade the options market. Members can see all CBOE floor veteran Andrew Keene’s orders as he trades his personal account.

    Keene offers his own commentary and market analysis for 3+ hours. He moderates from 8:30 am – 10:00 am CST, offering closing analyses and daily recap from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm CST. Trader Jim Ramelli, a guest contributor for both Futures Magazine and OpenMarkets, offers his unique insights from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm CST.

    Traders of all experience levels are welcome, and Keene responds to all member email queries within 24 hours. Members are able to see the unusual option activity scanner, accompanied by Keene and Ramelli’s order flow analysis. Powered by Omnovia, traders may also chat with each other and with Keene/Ramelli through the room’s chat feature, and receive daily email updates of Keene’s portfolio performance.

    See what so many already have, and come trade where the elite meet!

    Screen Shot 2013-07-02 at 9.57.55 AM


    Live Trading Room 

    Live Trading Room

    One Month Recurring Membership

    399.00 USD


    Live Trading Room

     Three Month Recurring Membership

    999.00 USD


     Live Trading Room

    One Year Recurring Membership

    2799.00 USD
