Every AAPL Product for 2013 According to KGI Securities 1.29.2013

Kuo is expecting to see a refresh of the MacBook Air at the end of Q2 2013, but this is just the calm before the Apple storm. After the end of Q2, Apple season will be in full swing, ripe new products for consumers to pick will start to be announced. Q3 may be full of new neat products. Fresh designs, refreshes cycles, and the iPhone 5S are all expected to be rolled out.

Specifically and chronologically, the iPod nano is expected to be refreshed. Moreover, during this time KGI expects AAPL to modify the iPod Touch 5. Most importantly, in early Q3 the iPhone 5S is expected to be released. Later on in the quarter a newly designed iPhone 5 is expected in addition to the iPhone 5S. Kuo thinks that the lower cost iPhones will come in a variety of colors. The lower cost iPhone may also be thicker, 8.2 mm vs. the current 7.6 mm, according to the report. Other items of note in Q3 include a new design of the Retina MacBook Pro and a mini iPad 2. Then finally in Q4 the iMac (desktop) is expected to be touched upon.

All things considered, AAPL has some impressive new products coming out, but it is hard to tell if they will be good for the stock. Price points and other data points will be crucial to know in order to make a trading/investment decision. The street has already made their calls however. The analyst community has an average price target of $729 for shares, with $48.00 estimated for the current year.
