Google Releases Talking Shoes (GOOG) 3.12.2013

The talking shoe has a Bluetooth capability that allows it to talk to your smartphone, so it can measure your daily activity. The speaker on the tongue is loaded with 250 pre-recorded phrases that encourage you to get active, bash on your laziness and even is designed to give you some attitude.

Having a Bluetooth capability that allows you to track your daily activity through your smartphone isn’t that new of an idea. Nike released the Nike fuel band, Nike plus and basketball shoes that all have this capability. But, of course, the band, chip and shoes didn’t talk to you as you were running down that trail or sitting at home on the couch. Sure, it might be a little creepy at first but Google seems to be banking on that you will ease into the idea…

The shoe was designed with Adidas, and currently has no plans to release the show to the market but is viewing the feedback of what people have to think of a talking shoe before they take further action.

Author: Peter Nitso

Twitter: @PeterNitso