In unusual we saw a customer purchase 1500 TEX February 22 Puts for $.95 and with stock selling off those Puts have now popped to $1.05. We also saw a customer buyer of 5,000 GDXJ March 35 Calls for $.20 which is yet another bull play for the GDXJ. We also saw weekly Call buyers in ABX which were good for a double and I flagged those on twitter. I am glad that I sold my position in my long Calls in SEE out, because for the second straight day we see Put buyers in earnings. Today has not brought the unusual options flow that some other days bring us and today there has been less to trade than day’s past. I always try not to overtrade, but when I get a good trade like to jump on board. The rest of the afternoon might be slow, but I am always watching the unusual options activity for possible trades.