Japan’s Inflation Goal $YCS $FXY (1971-Now) 3.27.2013

Additionally, the BOJ has been perusing historic measures to try lift Japan out of its two decade long slump, via very creative quantitative easing. Kuroda told the press that the BOJ will discuss purchasing even more bonds, and potentially with more duration.  According to sources, the BOJ currently buys assets through its 76 trillion-yen asset-purchase program. This translates into over $800 billion USD.

Many skeptics, like Kyle Bass of Hayman Capital, are rather nervous of the measures being perused by the BOJ. Mr. Bass, who made $500 million betting against subprime mortgages, points out that Japan is more levered than Greece, among many other astute observations.

The BOJ’s aggressive measures are definitely worth watching, especially as they translate into market action.


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