Jetblue (JBLU) Covered Call 9.25.2012

Revenue growth reported by the company has shown in their earnings. Two out of the last three earnings beat expectations with the last earnings report up twice as much from the 2011 levels. Yearly earnings from 2011 were down from 2010, but expected earnings for 2012 are expected to grow $0.21. Annual revenues have grown as well, with expectations of $5.0 billion in sales for 2012.

JBLUE opened today at $4.98 and is trading between $4.93 and $5.03. The 52 week range is $3.40 to $6.32. The stock hit its 52-week high around February and has been on a slight decline since, but generally has stayed around $5 for the past three months. The stock hit its low in November 2011. JBLUE’s market cap is $1.41 Billion.

My covered-call trade is to buy the stock at $4.96 and sell the Jan13 5 Calls for a credit of $0.40.

Breakeven: $4.56

Max Profit: $0.44 (+8.87%)

JBLU Chart