Sprint Tries to Push Dish Out of Deal for Clearwire

 Sprint’s newest offer has been a struggle for Dish because of the support that the potential deal has garnered from investors that they previously did not have. Clearwire shares have been on the rise this year and are up 75%. The reason behind Clearwire’s rising stock has been in part due to the bidding war that has been going on for the company. If Sprint were able to acquire Clearwire they hope to improve its high-speed data network and wireless service. On the other hand, Dish was hoping to get into the cellular service market and expand it business from just satellite television through the Clearwire bid. All of this comes at a time when Dish was not only looking to acquire Clearwire, but also looking to buy Sprint. However, it was announced that Dish has officially given up the acquisition of Sprint and it will not offer any new bids for the company. The company SoftBank, which is located in Japan, offered a bid at $21.6 billion for a large stake in Sprint. After the offer was announced Dish has decided not to counter bid and will look to stop their efforts to buy Sprint.