Morning Rage 9.11.2012, Inc. (AMZN | $256.67) is down less than a half of a point in pre-market trading. Amazon recently released the HD Kindle Fire, to be available at the end of November. Amazon is competing in a market where PC makers have continually failed to take the dominant position from Apple, which has more than half of the entire tablet market. Apple, Inc. (AAPL | 662.74), which is up 2.25 points in pre-market trading, gets its strength from having multiple matching devices that focus on simplicity for the user. Everything is fluid for the user, including the shape and style of all the products.

The one company capable defeating Apple in my opinion, Google (GOOG | 700.77), which is up almost 7.00 points in pre-market trading, has yet to stamp their logo on the outside of sleek hardware. I would also expect Apple to continue pushing other companies off of its platform by taking over their products and services. Apple will hold on to its dominance for a long time. However, the market is saturated with new iPhones and I don’t expect all of the iPhone 4 users to drop their somewhat new phones to get an iPhone 5, due to release Wednesday. This release will not be the same for Apple.

International trade data will be released today. The important data for US markets is the trade gap between exports and imports. I can’t be sure where the US is exporting to with Europe in a mess and China’s growth slowing for almost half of a year. The trade balance is said to continue higher with an estimate over -44.3 Billion. This report will be released at 8:30am EST. 

Alex Kalish has a masters in economics from Suffolk University.


Market Recap 9.7.2012

The biggest movers today were on earnings; Lululemon Athletica Inc. and Smith & Wesson Holdings Corp. Both beat analysts projections and gained over 10% on their stock prices.

Lululemon (LULU) reported a net revenue increase of 33% to $282.6 million from $212.3 million in the second quarter fiscal 2011. Gross profit for the quarter increased 28% to 155.8 million and made up 55.1% of net revenue.

Pandora (P) stock was crushed today on an announcement from Apple, Inc. (AAPL), stating plans to develop a competing internet radio product. Apple has been aggressively competing with other companies who have their service on Apple products, like Google Maps. P was down over 16% today ending at $10.47.

Monday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) will release its monthly report on international trade. The current global marketplace has been weak; Some of the stronger european economies have begun to struggle and China’s manufacturing has been shrinking for months now. The report on monday is composed of goods and services that are exported and imported into the US, calculating the balance between the two values. The report will primarily affect currencies.

Big Week for Tech Announcements 9.4.2012

Amazon will launch their line of new Kindles featuring a new 10 inch Kindle Fire that will have boosted specs and a bigger display.  Amazon also signed a deal with Epix today which will give Amazon Prime members access to more content. 

The weeks crowded announcement schedule should be to Apple’s advantage.  With nearly all of Apple’s major competitors introducing their new flagship devices this week, the individual visibility of these devices could be lost.  Samsung and Sony held their events last week leaving Apple standing alone next week with the announcement for the iPhone 5.  This should give Apple maximum visibility for the new iPhone and the much anticipated iPad mini. Some analysts believe that the new iPad mini could spell the death of other 7 inch tablets produced by Amazon and Google.  Shares of Apple traded up today surging off of early session lows touching a session high of 674.80. Apple l closed up around 9.10.    

However, this week will not be as kind to Google.  In a joint marketing event with Microsoft, Nokia plans on announcing two additions to its line of Lumia smartphones.  Both of these phones will feature Microsoft’s new Windows Phone 8 operating system.  Samsung announced the introduction of their new Windows Phone 8 device last week.  The Samsung announcement in particular is concerning for Google.  Samsung likely introduced the new Windows Phone 8 device in order to better position themselves against any further legal action from Apple.  With the threat of sales bans of android devices looming overhead more manufacturers could switch to operating systems other than Android.   Google shares are trading down today coming off of session lows.  The stock closed down around 4.05.

James Ramelli UIUC graduate in Finance Email: Follow: @Jim_KOTM

Apple Update 8.23.2012

Apple was quick to rebound, however, as investors took note of
the promising pipeline expected for the holiday season. It’s all but guaranteed Apple will be releasing
the widely-anticipated IPhone 5, an event many are calling “the most-widely anticipated product launch
in history.” The company is also expected to announce the launch of an Ipad Mini, a cheaper version ofits current tablet that will take away market share from competitors, most notably Google’s Nexus and Amazon’s Kindle.

Google’s tablets had nearly 30% percent market share in 2011. While that number still lagged far behind
Apple’s dominant 68% market share, there’s no doubt Apple’s not content. Apple has been steadily
distancing itself from its main competitor Google for a while now. Apple developed its own maps
application, and recently announced it will be removing the Youtube app from its future generation
phones. Apple’s Siri was another subtle move to undermine Google. Users can ask Siri questions and get
direct responses, rather than opening their browser and going to search Google for the answer. Google’s
primary source of revenue comes from search advertising, and if Apple can increase Siri’s reliability, it
could greatly affect Google’s mobile traffic. It’ll be interesting to see if Apple can improve Siri, and also if
its maps will be at least as good as their rival’s.

Another promising note for Apple is that the Iphone 5 and IPad mini are just two of the potential
catalysts for Apple’s stock in the near future. Apple’s current IPad had sales in the 3 rd quarter of 2012
that were up 84% year over year. And that’s not even considering that before July 20 th, the company
hadn’t been selling the IPad in China, an enormous market for Apple that it’s been steadily working into.

News has also recently come out that Apple is once again in negotiations with cable companies, and that
it hopes to develop a set-top box that would carry live television and other content. In his biography,
Steve Jobs’ vision for television became apparent: embarrass hardware makers, stiff content providers,
and destroy cable companies. If any company is capable of this feat, it’s Apple, and this could be the first
step in that direction.

In addition to the aforementioned points, Apple has another thing going for it that isn’t mentioned as
often. Point blank, Apple offers the best customer service available. I’ve personally gone through six
IPhones (we’ll not get into too many details, but usually alcohol was involved). Each time I’ve gone into
Apple for a replacement, they’ve gone above and beyond to help me out. Four of the six times they
actually replaced my IPhone for FREE. It really was unbelievable. With that type of experience, will
I ever purchase a competitor’s product? When it was time to purchase a laptop for school, I bought
a Macbook. And when I purchased a tablet, I only considered the IPad. They lost a small amount of
money when they replaced my IPhones, but the money they’ll make off me as a lifelong customer
greatly exceeds the money they lost. Even Steve Jobs would sometimes personally handle dissatisfied
customers, and offer them upgrades or free products. He realized that pleasing the customer is

everything, and Apple under Tim Cook hasn’t changed this philosophy at all.

Because of all these points, I believe Apple is poised to continue higher. There will be bumps in the road;
there always are. But as everyone looks for the next company that can offer significant returns the next
few years, and as Apple approaches the trillion dollar mark, I ask you: Why couldn’t the next Apple… Be

Brandon Kieltyka is currently an undergraduate studying Finance at Daytona State College.

Twitter: @kieltyka05