BIG Trade of the Day 8.22.2012

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Chart Analog overlay Stocks

Trade:  Selling the September 40-42.5 Call Spread for $.70 credit

Risk: $180 per 1 lot

Reward: $70 per 1 lot

UPDATE 9.11.2012  This Spread is pretty much worthless, but I am letting it expire that way instead of wasting commissions.

Average Magnitude of Post Earnings Return 4.4%

NearTerm Straddle Indication:
Term  Strike       NBBO          Size      %Spot(Mid)
09/22  $37.5   $3.25 – $3.55   171 x 394     8.8%
09/22  $40     $3.10 – $3.35    60 x 99      8.3%