Morning Rage 9.10.2012

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AIG is a half of a point higher in pre-market trading. AIG has a 52-week high/low of 35.36/19.18. The stock hit its yearly low at the end of September last year. Since July, the stock has floated above thirty dollars and in the last 3 weeks has been pushing thirty-five dollars, up almost 5% in the last month. AIG reported second quarter growth in early August, growing its insurance operating income 26%. Six major analysts have downgraded AIG’s outlook, as the Fed, possibly holding back dividends among other controls, will regulate AIG.

On Friday, Google (GOOG | 706.15[+6.75%]) broke above the $700 price line, a new four year high. The 52-week range for GOOG is now 480.60 – 712.25, a range of about $230. In pre-market trading GOOG is down less than a tenth of a point, with an overnight high of $709.72, currently sitting at $708.84.

US indices futures are all down. Dow futures have dropped 21 points, NASDAQ futures down five and a half, and the S&P futures down 3.25. News from the National Bureau of Statistics yesterday had exports rising lower than expectations and imports to china decreasing. Consumer credit reports come out today and international trade balance for the US is announced tomorrow.