Morning Rage 9.7.2012

Leading the market’s growth yesterday was Men’s Warehouse Inc. (MW) at 19% ending the day up about 6 points. After hours MW continued to grow another 0.5%. MW’s 52-week low and high is 24.50 and 40.97 respectively. The specialty retailer of men’s suits and tuxedo rentals products in the US and Canada began to lose value this year when it missed on a third earnings estimate in a row, dropping the stock 20 points in June 2012.  The CFO left in July. The stock then surged to a four month high after Q2 earnings results that were $0.06 cents higher than last year and $0.03 cents higher than estimates. Expect the stock to continue to rely on earnings for any movement.

Yesterday’s morning rage discussed Navistar International Corp (NAV | 23.97). The stock was one of the bigger movers yesterday, growing 17.44%. The stock moved on earnings Wednesday and yesterday seemed to connect to the new CEO’s statement to focus on returning to profitability while switching to different engines in order to meet EPA standards. Navistar’s expenditures have been high because of this switch, and they are expecting to report losses in the fourth quarter.

Look out for the employment situation report released by the labor department today at 8:30am EST. Employment situation is a set of labor market indicators based on household surveys. The prior level of unemployment and number of private payrolls were at 8.3% and 172k. The new levels are expected to sit around 8.3% and 134,000. 

Morning Rage 9.6.2012

The big story of the morning comes from Europe, as news from the European Central Bank drove the EUR/USD up higher 0.31%. Oil, Gold, and Silver futures all moved higher 1.09%, 0.95%, and 1.69% respectively. US indices futures are all up around 0.5%.

Navistar International Corp (NAV) moved 2% yesterday after a positive earnings report. Third quarter income was $84 million compared with last year’s 1.4 billion. Revenues in the third quarter were down 6 percent from the third quarter of 2011. The EPA issued a ruling on NCPs for highway diesel engines last week but NAV claims it is prepared with plans to transition to a new clean engine solution by 2013. Inc. (AMZN) is said to reveal a new Kindle Fire product. An ad last night showed the new Kindle e-read and new Fire. Last week Amazon announced that it had sold out of the Kindle Fire. AMZN is sitting at 246.50.