First Business Interview 9.5.2012 (Starts at 4:34)

Amazon will launch their line of new Kindles featuring a new 10 inch Kindle Fire that will have boosted specs and a bigger display. Amazon also signed a deal with Epix today which will give Amazon Prime members access to more content.
The weeks crowded announcement schedule should be to Apple’s advantage. With nearly all of Apple’s major competitors introducing their new flagship devices this week, the individual visibility of these devices could be lost. Samsung and Sony held their events last week leaving Apple standing alone next week with the announcement for the iPhone 5. This should give Apple maximum visibility for the new iPhone and the much anticipated iPad mini. Some analysts believe that the new iPad mini could spell the death of other 7 inch tablets produced by Amazon and Google. Shares of Apple traded up today surging off of early session lows touching a session high of 674.80. Apple l closed up around 9.10.
However, this week will not be as kind to Google. In a joint marketing event with Microsoft, Nokia plans on announcing two additions to its line of Lumia smartphones. Both of these phones will feature Microsoft’s new Windows Phone 8 operating system. Samsung announced the introduction of their new Windows Phone 8 device last week. The Samsung announcement in particular is concerning for Google. Samsung likely introduced the new Windows Phone 8 device in order to better position themselves against any further legal action from Apple. With the threat of sales bans of android devices looming overhead more manufacturers could switch to operating systems other than Android. Google shares are trading down today coming off of session lows. The stock closed down around 4.05.
James Ramelli UIUC graduate in Finance Email: James@keeneonthemarket.com Follow: @Jim_KOTM