SBUX Analyst Day 12.3.2012

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SBUX is working to gain consumer confidence in Asia in an effort to stimulate growth.  SBUX has announced that it has plans to open an additional 1500 stores in China by 2015. SBUX intends to develop a program called Starbucks China University.  This program is aimed to enhance the overall performance of the SBUX employees that will be working in China. The Chinese coffee market is estimated to become the second largest in the world within the next two years.

The company’s problem with sales in Europe may also be part of the discussion at the analyst meeting on Wednesday.  SBUX has closed several stores in Europe, which has had a negative impact on SBUXs share value.  SBUX opened on Monday December 3, 2012, at $52.14.

Investors can anticipate these three topics to be addressed at the analyst meeting on Wednesday.


Author: Tyler Sciortino

Current Student at Roosevelt University, Majoring in Finance.

Contact for questions or inquiries at