Tablet Wars By Andrea Schrage

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The Nexus 7 is supposed to be the iPad’s biggest competition but in my mind nothing can even come close to the iPad. The iPad has retina display, 4G capability and top of the line applications. And while the Nexus 7 does use Jelly Bean, which is Google’s latest version of Android, it does not have 3G or a rear camera. As for the Kindle Fire, the tablet cannot create art, music or edit photos and spreadsheets as the iPad can. Putting both tablets in a separate market from the iPad.

But that’s exactly what Google wanted. To grab the market share that cannot afford Apple’s $499 price tag on the iPad. So lets compare the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire. For starters the Kindle Fire only comes in the 8GB form, there is no 16GB option like there is with the Nexus 7. The Nexus 7 also boasts a front camera and a higher resolution screen than the Fire. And thanks to being a Google product the Nexus also has a greater app selection and storage.

Between the apps, front camera and storage ability the Kindle Fire unfortunately is put into a distant last choice for the tablet market. The Fire is a good choice for those who had the original Kindle, like the format and don’t have a lot of data. But customers who want the full package and are not loyal to Kindle than the Nexus is by far the best choice if the iPad is not in the price range. If the iPod is in the price range than by all means join the millions of other Apple users and learn for yourself why the brand has created such a cult following.