Morning Rage. 6.14.2012

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The Hang Seng also finished low just over 1% with Espirit Holdings again finishing with double digit
losses down 12.43%.

The FTSEurofirst dropped .4% as Spain was downgraded by yet another rating agency, this time Moody’s
to Baa3 from A3. Nokia, with high volume as of late, dropped 5.4% on announcement of job cuts
and warnings of 2nd quarter job loss. Financials are currently outperforming the market however, are
beginning to slag.

In the US foreclosures are starting up again with a 16% rise in May from a year ago May or over 9.1%
from April.

In futures Crude is slightly up, still below $83, and silver just under .5% while gold and natural gas are
currently slacking.

Contributer Chris Rygh is currently pursuing his MBA in Wisconsin and has a passion for the Market.
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