Morning Rage 6.21.2012

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The Hang Seng under paced the Nikkei today on news that the Chinese manufacturing sectored
continued to slow for its eighth straight month. The index lost 1.3% today with only Espirit Holdings and
China Resources Power Holding trading in the green but less than 1% each.

The European rally built on expectations of another round of stimulus came to its 4 day end today
after weak German and Chinese data and Bernanke’s speech yesterday putting an end to Fed bailout
hopes. The FTSE is down .7% with basic resources being the worst performing industry dropping 2.8% on
Chinese data showed it eighth straight contraction for the world largest consumer of metals.

The Rupee fell to a record low against the dollar today of 56.53 per USD, making it a good time to visit

The commodities are starting out weak with natural gas trading up where crude, gold and silver are all

Contributer Chris Rygh is currently pursuing his MBA in Wisconsin and has a passion for the Market.
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