S&P Emini Pivot Points for 9.12.2012

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has announced that China will indeed meet their growth target for the year. Markets have long been concern over slowing growth in China. The German Constitutional Court has also announced that their ruling on the European bailout fund will be announced tomorrow.
The FOMC meeting is scheduled to begin tomorrow with forecasts scheduled to be released on Thursday. Bernanke’s press conference is also scheduled for Thursday. Many analysts expect that the Federal Reserve Bank will launch a third round of quantitative easing, but there is still some skepticism over whether or not Bernanke will have enough votes to push the program through.
Moody’s has announced that they may downgrade the U.S. government’s credit rating if they cannot lower the nation’s debt ratio in the upcoming budget negotiations.
Indicies are up with the Nasdaq and S&P 500 both up around 6 points each.
James Ramelli B.S. in Finance from UIUC. Email: james@keeneonthemarket.com Follow: @Jim_KOTM
Both the Dow and NASDAQ fell below its opening price today by 11:00 am, but the S&P 500 stands alone ahead 0.30% for the day sitting at 1,436.52. US indices futures have stayed put as well. Metals futures gained substantial points today with gold, silver and copper up 1.99%, 3.02% and 3.57% respectively. Silver is sitting just below its high of the day at 33.67 and a high of 33.74. Copper is right below its daily high at 3.6425 with a high of 3.6525. Natural Gas just moved away from its low of the day at 2.6740 with a low of 2.6660, down 3.67%.
The Cooper Companies, Inc. (COO | 93.33) hit a new all time high today gaining 7.32 when the market opened to sit around 93. The gain is representative of the company’s third quarter growth in income of almost 50% from last year. Analyst expected earnings at $1.29 per share but the company outperformed with earnings of $1.36 per share.
Facebook (FB | 19.11) has shown three straight days of growth up almost 2 dollars from its new 52 week low on Tuesday. How long can Zuckerberg’s statement keep Facebook from continuing it’s slope downward? The 52-week at-the-money implied volatility has touched its low today. Put/call sentiment is bullish and the stock might just continue its slow climb up next week.
The S&P 500 closed at session highs of 1432.10 for a gain of 2.04%. The Nasdaq also closed at session highs up 2.17%. The DJIA closed at a session high of up 244.52 points for a gain of 1.87%.
A huge day for equities across the board, with the S&P 500 logging its best day since January 2008.
James Ramelli UIUC graduate in Finance. Email: james@keeneonthemarket.com Follow: @Jim_KOTM
DIS hit a new all time high today and, so far in 2012, DIS is up 36%.“The Avengers” and moreover the Marvel acquisition is proving to be a great move for the equity.
In the financial sector, GS broke above the 150-day moving average, which resisted price on two prior occasions in the last two weeks (8/21 and 9/4) for it has been grinding horizontally.
Other stocks of interest include AAPL, which battled its was back to unchanged after being down earlier today; even in the face of a slow market.
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Some big movers last night were The Wendy’s Company (WEN | $4.52[+0.20]), gaining almost 5% in value. Wendy’s 52-week range moves a little more than a point from 4.16 – 5.58 and hasn’t hit a high since mid August. Dish network Corporation (DISH | $30.13 [-0.89]) fell 2.87%. DISH’s 52-week range low and high is 22.61 and 35.64 respectively. Dish has been gaining ground since the financial crisis in 2008, averaging positive gains, but is down almost 20% since 2007.
US futures are down. DOW, S&P, and NASDAQ are all down 0.21%, 0.27%, and 0.33% respectively. Metals futures are down, silver down the highest percentage at 0.68%. Crude futures are down 0.26%.
Productivity and costs reports will be released in an hour. Productivity measures the growth of labor efficiency in producing the economy’s goods and services and unit labor costs reflect the labor costs of producing each unit of output. Since the beginning of the year, non-farm labor productivity has grown at an average of 0.75% from the previous quarter and unit labor costs are up an average of 1.5%. Consensus has both levels gaining at least 1% this quarter.
Alex Kalish has a masters in economics from Suffolk University.