Morning Rage 9.11.2012

[shareaholic app="share_buttons" id="24556347"], Inc. (AMZN | $256.67) is down less than a half of a point in pre-market trading. Amazon recently released the HD Kindle Fire, to be available at the end of November. Amazon is competing in a market where PC makers have continually failed to take the dominant position from Apple, which has more than half of the entire tablet market. Apple, Inc. (AAPL | 662.74), which is up 2.25 points in pre-market trading, gets its strength from having multiple matching devices that focus on simplicity for the user. Everything is fluid for the user, including the shape and style of all the products.

The one company capable defeating Apple in my opinion, Google (GOOG | 700.77), which is up almost 7.00 points in pre-market trading, has yet to stamp their logo on the outside of sleek hardware. I would also expect Apple to continue pushing other companies off of its platform by taking over their products and services. Apple will hold on to its dominance for a long time. However, the market is saturated with new iPhones and I don’t expect all of the iPhone 4 users to drop their somewhat new phones to get an iPhone 5, due to release Wednesday. This release will not be the same for Apple.

International trade data will be released today. The important data for US markets is the trade gap between exports and imports. I can’t be sure where the US is exporting to with Europe in a mess and China’s growth slowing for almost half of a year. The trade balance is said to continue higher with an estimate over -44.3 Billion. This report will be released at 8:30am EST. 

Alex Kalish has a masters in economics from Suffolk University.
