Unusual Option Activity 6.18.2013

Chart Bloomberg Keene OptionsPaper bought 1,000 SVN Jul 12.5 Calls for $1.40 (3.4 times usual volume) with stock at $13.70
Paper bought 1,160 EPB Jun 42.5 Calls for $0.15 (3.7 times usual volume) with stock at $41.81
Paper bought 100 PRLB Jun 65 Calls for $0.35 (3.1 times usual volume) with stock at $62.16
Paper bought 1,117 SYY Aug 35 Puts for $1.33 (2.4 times usual volume) with stock at $34.54
Paper bought 2,500 LINE Jul 34 Calls for $0.40 (4.3 times usual volume) with stock at $30.59