Unusual Options Activity 6.7.2013

Bloomberg Market Research Options.pngPaper sold 5,000 TIVO Jun 10 Puts for $0.04 (3.9 times usual volume) with stock at $11.32

Paper bought 7,300 AMRN Aug 7 Puts for $0.85 (2 times usual volume) with stock at $7.19

Paper sold 700 YUM Jul 62.5 Puts for (2.6 times usual volume) with stock at $73.43

Paper bought 2,300 LAMR Jul 48 Calls for $0.95 (3.8 times usual volume) with stock at $44.24
Paper sold 2,349 IRM Jul 30 Puts for $2.15 (3.8 times usual volume) with stock at $28.51