Unusual Options Activity in NEE

NextEra Energy, Inc. generates, transmits, distributes, and sells electric energy in the United States and Canada. The company produces electricity from gas, oil, solar, coal, petroleum coke, and nuclear sources and this sector has performed extremely well as of late.

Today we saw a trader buy 4,434 NEE June 100 Calls for $0.55.  This gives this options buyer the right, but not obligation, to buy 443,400 Shares of stock for $100 between now and June expiration.   This trader paid almost $250,000 for this right.

Since this order hit the tape the stock has been on fire and the calls have moved from $0.55 to $0.80, meaning the trader has paper gains of nearly $150,000.  I personally chose not to take this trade due to high open interest (already 12,000 prior to the order), but the NEE chart looks great and I believe it will continue to head higher.

Andrew Keene