Unuusal Options Activity 6.25.2013

Chart Breakout Option PremiumPaper sold 49,000 XLF Jul 19 Puts for $0.34 (2.2 times usual volume) with stock at $19.90
Paper sold 48,000 SIRI Jan 2015 2 Puts for $0.15 (2.1 times usual volume) with stock at $3.22
Paper bought 19,829 TSM Jan 2015 17.5 Calls for $2.20 (65.8 times usual volume) with stock at $17.46
Paper bought 1,750 KOL Kil 17 Calls for $0.925 (15.6 times usual volume) with stock at $17.47
Paper bought 2,000 BKS Jan 15 Puts for $2.35 (5.2 times usual volume) with stock at $15.49