Yahoo to the Long Side

Yahoo (YHOO) internet search giant and major shareholder of Alibaba, is currently trading at $34.53. Yahoo (YHOO) is currently trading in a $23.82-41.72 fifty two week range. Yahoo has been under performing the market as shares have fallen 14.74% year to date. This year Yahoo has generated poor earnings performance from its core internet business. However Yahoo’s 24% stake in the up and coming Alibaba has given a boost to yahoo’s quarterly reports and stock. With Alibaba’s upcoming IPO, Options traders have a bullish outlook on Yahoo. Yesterday we saw a trader buy 19,105 YHOO Friday 5/30 weekly calls at the $34.00 strike for $1.37 premium. Yahoo is currently trading below the Ichimoku Cloud; however with the bullish order flow in Yahoo and the hype surrounding the Alibaba IPO, I believe Yahoo is setting up for a long position.

Block Trade: A trader bought 19105 (YHOO) 5/30 Weekly 34 calls.
Risk: $137 per one lot
Reward: Unlimited
Breakeven: $35.37