Morning Rage 5.15.2012

In Europe Germany’s stronger than expected economic data helped hoist the FTSE Eurofirst 300 up .3% to 1,006.98. So far 59% of European large caps have met or exceeded first quarter earnings forecasts.

In the US the Goldman Store Sales report was released this morning showing a -0.8% weekly change putting the year over year change at 4.5%
Commodities futures remain bleak with crude, natural gas, gold and silver all starting in the red.
The Empire state manufacturing survey was released today for May up to 17.09 from a weak level in April indicating continued moderate growth.
The monthly consumer price index for April was released at 0.00% from 0.3% in March and the CPI less food and energy is 0.2% for April. The CPI monthly rate changes represent the rate of inflation.
April retail sales were also released today at 0.1% much weaker than the 0.7% in March.

Contributer Chris Rygh is currently pursuing his MBA in Wisconsin and has a passion for the Market. Comments can be directed to