Halftime Report for 5.16.2012

The internet software and services industry is the leading industry at the moment up 2.18% with SINA corp leading the charge up over 15%.
Among leading stocks is Rosetta Genomics(ROSG) up over 300% after the announcement of obtaining medicare coverage. Telik Inc. is another leader after publishing two reports describing results of a clinic study of Telintra, up over 42% to 4.19.
Down shares this morning are Ambow Education of China due to a further delay of filing its 2011 financial. JCPenny is also amongst the losers due to poor results down 15% to 28.33
The commodities are inline where they were pre-trade with crude, gold and silver down and Natural gas up. At least they are consistent.

Contributer Chris Rygh is currently pursuing his MBA in Wisconsin and has a passion for the Market. Comments can be directed to ryghcw19@uww.edu