Morning Rage 7.3.2012

In other news, Samsung lost their request to lift the ban on their tablet, Galaxy 10.1. The tablet and now the Nexus phone are under fire by Apple for copyright infringement. And while this creates bad press for the company it does not hurt sales by a large margin. The attack is on last year’s model the 10.1 so Samsung is still able to sell their newest tablet and phone which is their greatest profit margin anyway.

As for the economy, the numbers on Motor Vehicle Sales, ICSC Goldman Store Sales and Factor Orders are due in at 7:45am and 10:00am respectively. All three reports are supposed to yield a further decrease from April.

Turning to the stock market, the S&P 500 was up 0.25% at the close yesterday with the 10-year treasury up as well at 0.57%. Oil joined the upswing at 2.39% and the Dollar at 0.02%, the first time in a while that all four have closed on the rise.

And finally, Happy Fourth of July everyone! Make sure to check out our first webinar this Sunday after the holidays.

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